What Kind of Dolphin are You?
You're an Amazon Dolphin! These river-dwelling dolphins tend to enjoy the slower pace of the Amazon river. In addition, they are the loners of the dolphin world, tending to be by themselves or possibly with one other dolphin. Ocassionally pink in coloration, Inia geoffrensis will swim upside down to see below it. A bit odd, aren't you?
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I sooooooo very much wish I could have met Danny Kaye when he was alive. He was, without a doubt, the best comedic actor of our time.
Tami Stronach starred as the Childlike Empress in the 1984 movie "The Neverending Story". Today, she's a dancer and choreographer mainly performing in New York. Check out her Wikipedia entry for more info... and don't forget to check out her website at: www.tamistronach.com
Tami Stronach Dance
Tami Stronach Dance
MyHeritage : Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity