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I'd love to keep in contact with other glamour models, art nude models, make up artists, hair stylists, past photographers I have worked with, photographers I may work with in the future, strip club dancers within Australia and around the world, private party/agency showgirls and showguys (esp. those based in south east queensland), burlesque performers within Australia and around the world, adult entertainment industry workers of all varieties, past, present and future customers/clients.... and anyone basically 18 years of age or over who are not judgemental of adult entertainers.....
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Thanks to years of dancing within many strip clubs across this wonderful nation of mine (Australia), I can pretty much dance to anything. Yet if you play any country or anything remotely like it (except for "pop" artists such as Keith Urban, Shania Twain, etc who are country "inspired" yet not pure country) I will destroy whatever is playing this noise pollution. My favourite musical era is the 90s and I absolutely adore The Prodigy. I can never hear their music enough. Plus Madonna is growing on me these-days... lol!
Star Wars - The Original Trilogy (not so much Episodes 1-3), Lord of the Rings (Special Edition only), Terminator I and II, Ice Age (Scrat rules!), Lilo and Stitch, Aladdin (Go Genie!), Interview With The Vampire, Queen Of The Damned, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Ghostbusters I and II, NeverEnding Story (original movie only)... the list goes on and on...
Big Brother Australia (yes I applied in 2006 and will again in 2007), House (please can I have HIM as my doctor?), 24 (does Jack ever have a toilet/meal break during his bad days?), Alias (Go Sydney! Kiss some ass girl!), LOST, Smallville (Lex Luther *drool*), My Name is Earl, The Wedge (not a fan of the pokie girls), MythBuster s, and others...
Memorable Books: Mists of Avalon, Lord of the Rings, Interview With The Vampire series, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Memoir's of a Geisha (the book is awesome, the movie is not worth watching) and Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Recently Finished: Wild Swans by Jung Chang ! Currently Reading: Read My Lips by Teri.