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Naked Assets

Naked Assets / - The ORIGINAL Stripper Sales School!

About Me

Effective April 2nd, 2008, we have been teaching exotic dancers the skills to double or even triple their nightly income for FIVE YEARS. While several have tried to copy us, NONE have been able to duplicate Naked Assets, the world's original exotic dancer sales school!

We have been featured in Playboy Magazine, ABC News 20/20, Strip Las Vegas Magazine, CityLife Magazine, XM Satellite Radio, Air America Radio, Armed Forces Radio, the Las Vegas Business Press and MORE!

If you are an exotic dancer not earning what you know you should, we can help!

Simply go to for more details

For details on our training program and how it will help you to start earning in the top 5% of exotic dancers worldwide, you need to go to our website now and learn more about what our program will do for you. Whether you are a veteran dancer seeing the dancers next to you earn much more than you are and don't know why or are someone very new to exotic dancing, our program is designed to address every single avenue for massively increasing your revenue. Go to now for more details.


Naked Assets was founded in 2003 and since then, Naked Assets has been featured in numerous major magazines, television and radio shows and on websites around the world. Our training seminars have had attendees from 46 states and eleven different countries including Japan, Brazil, Australia, France, the United Kingdom, Canada and more!

Naked Assets is owned by founder Adam Sternberg and Rebecca Avalon. You can read about Adam and Rebecca's experience in the industry and as trainers by GOING TO WWW.DANCERWEALTH.COM.

Also, be sure to subscribe to our FREE DancerWealth newsletter and receive tons of great tips and advice on how to truly succeed as an exotic dancer. Subscribe now and receive our latest edition delivered to you right now FOR FREE! Please enter your name and email address to receive your copy now (contact information will not be sold or shared to any other parties and will be kept strictly confidential).


We've got BLOGs too! Be sure to check out some great articles on Stripper success available only on our MySpace page. Check them out while you're here visiting!

My Interests

Naked Assets at the AVN Tradeshow with our special friends, the Sin City Chamber of Commerce.

I'd like to meet:




Here are some very cool and inspiring videos I'd like to share. Remember, you can do anything you want at any time you want. The only thing required is that you Just Do It!

My Blog

Strip Club Customer Service

A few days ago a good friend of mine, who happens to be the manager of a medium-sized strip club, gives me a call. She says, "Adam, the dancers are really getting frustrated. Our volume of customers i...
Posted by Naked Assets on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 11:38:00 PST

Fail More Often and Swing The Bat!

Tonight must be "Blog Night" for me. I just got through catching up on reading about two dozen of them. Some political, some financial, some business/success based. I just read a few recent ones from ...
Posted by Naked Assets on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 11:41:00 PST

The Blame Game

It's the Democratic National Convention this week. Needless to say, they're going to tell you all how much everything sucks about America. If you looked at the picture they paint of America, we're br...
Posted by Naked Assets on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 09:41:00 PST

Patterns of the Rich & Middle Class

I just got through reading a fantastic book called The Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class by Cameron Smith. This book is, most definitely, going into our suggested reading l...
Posted by Naked Assets on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 08:52:00 PST

Blue Collar Strip Clubs

Every now and then I go and make the rounds to different clubs around Vegas or, if I have time when I'm on the road, to clubs in other cities. It helps me keep up with trends, meet new management, and...
Posted by Naked Assets on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 11:39:00 PST

Strip Club Customer Service

A few days ago a good friend of mine, who happens to be the manager of a medium-sized strip club, gives me a call. She says, "Adam, the dancers are really getting frustrated. Our volume of customers ...
Posted by Naked Assets on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 05:54:00 PST

We're Here!

After much resistance, we are now on MySpace and I have to admit, this site is extremely addictive! As our first entry, I wanted to thank our friends at WetRadio for having us on a recent guest to the...
Posted by Naked Assets on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 12:33:00 PST