It's simply shocking...!
Do mass suicide, crop-circle sessions and experimental punishment with 450 volts have an aesthetic? If your answer included words such as dull or tiresome, i.e., boring, think again. Although few people have witnessed undular bores with their own eyes.... And what of HERO's future? The results of these variants showed the allegiance and conformity to the group as a force almost as powerful as the authoritative experimenter. XPM hopes it is headed for the sunny skies of the southern hemisphere – Australia to be exact. The teacher could not see the pupil, but could hear the responses, which were frequently incorrect, as well as the screams that accompanied the simulated electric shocks. The HERO team has submitted a proposal for their payload to fly from there a year from now. "An undular bore passes over any given point in the United States about once a month," he estimates. The teacher was instructed to administer a series of increasingly severe electric shocks to the pupil each time the latter incorrectly memorised certain sets of words. Often they occur at night when temperature inversions create a layer of cool stable air near the ground—much like the layer over Des Moines—ripe for rippling.
Contrary to rumor, though, Mars is never going to outshine the Moon. A backyard telescope pointed at Mars on August 27th may reveal vast clouds of dust partially eclipsing some of the planet's familiar surface markings. Two-thirds of the volunteers were fully obedient, continually administering the maximum 450 volt shocks, even after the pupils' screams were replaced by an ominous silence. Or it may reveal a totally orange ball—that's what Mars looks like when the dust storm kicks into high gear. Take a look; every night the view improves. Mirrors have special powers in the real world too, especially in the hands of an astronomer. In fact, modern astronomy depends on mirrors. Almost every telescope uses a mirror, sometimes several mirrors, to gather and guide starlight toward some super-sensitive digital detector where a breathtaking image can be formed. Without mirrors, it would be almost impossible to study the universe. Meanwhile, a big white balloon drifts by, high in the New Mexican sky, dangling a telescope filled with mirrors that bring a whole new world to life.
In XPM's words, "It's got, oh, such beautiful things in it!"
The other variants included a moving the learner-victim who received the shocks into the same room as the teacher, and then making the teacher force the learner-victim's hand onto an electric (fake) shock plate. This closer proximity and eventual physical contact lessened the number of subjects who were obedient. He also experimented with small groups of Teachers - only one of them was a real subject the rest were actors, like the experimenter and the learner. Each volunteer was placed in the role of a 'teacher', then paired off with a 'pupil' (who was actually one of the collaborators). Despite entering an art environment, to witness an art event, they seemed willing to suspend disbelief in some way too.
That's really what I'm after, that moment when something magical - or disturbing - occurs despite, or because of, the utterly artificial nature of the re-enactment.
It's a strangely exhilarating experience...
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KARMA (What is 'Good'?) - THE VIDEO
This is an iMovie experiment on one of my tunes...