If the movie is 1/10th as fun as the trailer, geekgirl will be happy - (rogen and franco... mmm mmm! - but only slacker looking franco, not clean cut spidey franco - geekgirl likes the thought of that sandwich)
Pineapple Express
this makes geekgirl happy, oh so very happy. (grown ass men behaving this way is absolute sexiness, yep, that's right)
geekgirl LOVES IT when Data has the bridge!
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Taylor Hicks - who if i'd known about him i would have travelled to see his band play before the AI stuff started - about a hundred times probably, well, not probably, yeah i would have.
Q - who wouldn't want to meet Q???? I would beg him to take me around the universe being devious and sneaky with him!! He's sooo naughty!!!
Taylor once again!!!
Colin Mochrie (duh - and yes i've met him, but i wanna meet him again!)
Steve Carell
Gary Oldman
Woody Allen (one of my favorite directors ever)
Spongebob and Patrick
Professor John Frink
Steven Colbert
Jon Stewart
and Bruce Campbell
one more Taylor to balance it out
geekgirl felt that this video was perfect for her page!
geekgirl's music section is about to get a makeover.
geekgirl's movie section is about to get a makeover also.
this is from one of geekgirl's favorite woody allen movies "Love and Death"
geekgirl's television section is about to get a makeover as well.
I'm mostly just a kid when it comes to books, HARRY POTTER BOOKS, CHRONICLES OF NARNIA, ENDER'S GAME, CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES, YOUTH IN REVOLT, LORD OF THE RINGS, lots of film books, THE SHINING, REMAINS OF THE DAY, HOWARDS END, A ROOM WITH A VIEW (love e.m. forster) and lots more.AND YAY FOR GEEKGIRL!!!! Youth in Revolt is being made into a movie starring Michael Cera as Nick Twisp. geekgirl hopes this doesn't fall through or anything because casting him to play this character is PERFECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
soon to be made over as well, but for now it's okay...
Ricky Gervais (the worlds greatest asshole, geekgirl loves him)
Christopher Guest
Larry David
Gary Shandling
Lois Griffin
Clancy Brown (he's great in movies and was SO GREAT on Carnivale, and the icing on the cake, he's the voice of Mr. Krabs - geekgirl LOVES LOVES LOVES people who voice cartoons)
Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Q (already pictured)
and Matt Stone and Trey Parker