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Jean-Marc Imbert

Otelinda's tribute for Jean-Marc Imbert (unofficial)

About Me

Ten Questions: Jean Marc Imbert, CavalcadeHorsePoint - September 2005There are now many horse trainers who train through non-violence, by tuning into the horse's communication signals, and by using respect as a basic training aid. It's not often, however, that you see them standing abridge two horses - the Hungarian Post - in full gallop, without bridle, harness or reins!That single act alone speaks more about respect, trust and partnership than anything else I have witnessed to date. Jean Marc Imbert of France, achieves this and much more. And he will soon be on our shores, the star of Cavalcade - Reins Of Fire.People describe your communication with your horses as "telepathy"; how do you describe it?People say this because they don’t understand what I do. For people it’s impossible to speak to horses like we speak to a dog. But for me it’s the same thing, I speak with the horse and with much training the horse does the work as if alone. In the Indian show for example, I can communicate everything and you don’t see or you don’t hear anything. The horse is very sensitive. For the people it looks like telepathy.I have read that, in childhood, you stopped your formal riding lessons to study more fully the bond between man and horses. What was it that made you realise there was something more to communicating with horses than just "traditional" riding and training methods?I didn’t like the traditional riding. I didn't like just doing circle-work and hearing somebody saying "change the place of your hands or your legs"... I think the horse, it isn’t a machine with buttons to control him.What did you discover during that early time?I discover the thinking of the horse, and that it was possible to do something without a bridle.How did you feel about these discoveries?I feel that it was more interesting to work in harmony with the horse.Many people would feel that the level of communication you have with your horses is beyond their reach; do you feel that communication with horses is something anyone can learn?I don’t know ... I think it’s normal communication, people think that we need a special language with the horses. I think no, it’s the same with all the animals and humans: the respect. Somebody who respects humans and animals, can learn the same communication. Pat Parelli says that we need to look like this at the horse and move like them. I think it’s a joke!How did you progress from simply riding horses to creating such exciting equine theatrical shows?I create this because at the beginning I worked alone with my horse, and now I know what the audience wants. They want to live a dream during and hour and a half, like a film as at the cinema. For this I work with many artists to create different shows. For example, I did a show "Widow in the magic country". It was a show with a princess and a dragon. The dragon, it's a horse with a costume who breathes fire. (There are some awesome photos of the performance here) This year, my new big show, is with a special intelligent car ( the name of the car is Gigi), that I control with a remote, and during the show a horse drives it and the car does many things (see photo here). My speciality is working free horses, but my first job it was electronic and informative. Now I use all my experience to do an original big show .There must be an enormous level of physical fitness required; how often do you train?At the same time as the training of the horses, I haven't more time!Do you feel as though you have the best job in the world?Yes, I think it's a very good job. But not easy, very hard sometimes. For example Normally, to do the Hungarian free poste like the poster of the show, I do this with my horses Santana and java, black and brown but after analysis Santana can't go in Australia. For this, since the 29 of June I'm training a new horse Yelo. I did for the first time a show the last weekend with this horse and it was very good. Now I have only one show in Switzerland to prepare this horse! but I think he'll be good. Only 3 month to replace my better horse, it's not a easy job! But sometimes it’s very very interesting and beautiful! Working with the horses, it's more easy than the people!What is your favourite part of working with the horses?If you want know what I prefer to do with my horses, it's to understand and develop the personality of the horses. I do many different shows, trick riding, many shows with bridle but I prefer free horses, the freedom ...Is there anything else you would like to say?I’m very happy to go to Australia. Since a long time I dream to go to your country, but I never think that would be possible one day with my horses. Today it's a dream which will be carried out.Jean Marc Imbert will be in Australia as part of Cavalcade in November 2005. Some photos in this article have been take from Jean Marc's personal site (in French, but the photos are worth it!).

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Horseriding without harness- Jean-Marc Imbert
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Il a dit :Si d’un coup de baguette magique les cavaliers prenaient la place de leurs chevaux, ils subiraient les coups dans la bouche à répétition, le nez plongé dans la poussière du manège, prisonnier d’une paire de rênes allemandes et des mors de toutes formes. Ils comprendraient pourquoi leur monture n’a aucune tendance à la générosité. »« Avoir une multitude d’artifices pour canaliser un cheval, ne permet plus de l’entendre. On ne peut pas écouter un cheval qui n’a pas les moyens de se faire entendre. »« Le cheval a une capacité à cerner, nuancer, protéger et donner. »« Je dédie mon livre à tous les chevaux sur qui on perpétue une tradition sans se préoccuper de leur existence. »« Les chevaux, par leur générosité, m’ont offert des moments inoubliables. Je leur dois tout. »

My Blog

"La Légende de Java"

La dernière création de Jean-Marc Imbert Aux Arènes de Nîmes les 30 et 31 mai 2008Bénéficiez du tarif réduit, -9% en réservant avant le 30 avril Tous les renseignements ici Un fantastique conte é...
Posted by Jean-Marc Imbert on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 03:32:00 PST

New Show in May, 2008

Les 30 et 31 mai 2008 venez découvrir ce nouveau spectacle en version complète aux Arènes de Nimes !!Arena in Nîmes....
Posted by Jean-Marc Imbert on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 02:08:00 PST

The Luxury Show***13/14/15/16 December 2007

I'll be in Zurich - SWITZERLAND ! ets.cfm
Posted by Jean-Marc Imbert on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 12:55:00 PST

Next Shows

..> -  Le 2 septembre  à Lixières (15 km à l'est de Ponta mousson ..> Spectacle pour l'association "Equit'aide" 1h20 de spectacle, renseignement 03 83 31 32 85. - 29 et 30 septembr...
Posted by Jean-Marc Imbert on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 01:03:00 PST

Demandez le Programme ! Next France ! (free)

Programme tournée 2007:  (en cours) Le 18 juin  ATTENTION CHANGEMENT :  nous n'allons plus les 18 et 19 aout  - Fête du cheval à Meslin l'Evèque en Belgique mais le 18 juin (l...
Posted by Jean-Marc Imbert on Thu, 10 May 2007 02:52:00 PST

Training about free ride with horses ....Stages mois de Mai.

Cette année un stage aura lieu comme d'habitude à Pertuis chez Fabienne Duthoitles 27 et 28 Mai 2007 (27and 28 May this year)Réservez dès maintenant chez Fabienne au 04 90 79 13 63Reserve from now o...
Posted by Jean-Marc Imbert on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 03:06:00 PST

All the details to follow the equestrian shows see on this page where i am and when ?!
Posted by Jean-Marc Imbert on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 02:09:00 PST

Next Shows in Switzerland

..> - Les 27,28 avril et 3,4,5 mai à Bern en Suisse ..> Intervention dans le Spectacle "Le Prince"Poste en liberté, Le cheval dragon cracheur de feu, voltige... Renseignement et réservation...
Posted by Jean-Marc Imbert on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 02:03:00 PST

Next Show

DENMARK - Herning  : 9-10 March Acrobatics in a straight line [email protected] ...
Posted by Jean-Marc Imbert on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 04:21:00 PST