KAT profile picture


Horsing around at the Dusty Boots Corral

About Me

Thanks, pYzam , for helping me customize this page
I invite horse lovers to join me in a daily horse trivia game. Every day has a new game and each month a new tournament starts. Click here: Horse Sense Daily Trivia
As for me, with kids in their 30's, three grand kids recently graduated and three of the other four in high school, it's second childhood time for me. For my middle age crazies, I've kind of time warped into the Old West, where hubby and I have five horses at The Dusty Boots Corral, which we built in Joshua Tree, CA. When not feeding, medicating, grooming, riding, doing ground work or mucking manure around the corral; I'm taking pictures of the horses; which I often use to make Email stationery; exploring the desert, shopping online, reading...
In 2007 we built the house that had been our dream for four years. This is where we and our horses, birds and cat will all live together at one home in Joshua Tree. Our 2008 goal is to build the new horse facilities at the house. At least now we're 0.8 miles from the horses instead of 8 miles, as we were before, so it's not much of a trip twice a day for feeding etc. I'm still really looking forward to seeing the horses from my window though.
Some of my friends know the story of Neighbor, that "piglet" in the background image, who nearly lost his life last year and was named for the people who helped me save him. I'm happy to report he's now nearing two and will be started under saddle this Spring by our neighbor James at the Joshua Tree Ranch . We recently traded Neighbor's mom Jazy to James; who who fell in love while training her; as it opened many opportunities for Jazy. She usually does great for him, but I couldn't help get a big kick out of this video of her and James:
Now I KNOW I traded the right horse.

One of my mottos:

My Interests

Horses, horse property, amature photography, reading...

I'd like to meet:

People who have horses, especially in their forties and above (the people, not the horses). They don't have to be experts, as I'm sure not.

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My Ipod is full of Western Swing, Bluegrass, Celtic and a bit of good old rock & roll. I generally listen to performers seen in person, who aren't played on the one or two radio stations we get.Favorites: Scott Gates , who with our friend Andy, wrote and recorded Dusty Boots Corral about our stable on his first CD; Dave Stamey , who brings the West alive in his songs; The Fenians , a rockin' Celtic band (we've gone to Ireland on tour with them twice)and The Miner 49ers ,playing Bluegrass at Disney's California Adventure.


Many many favorites including Maverick, Hidalgo, Shrek, Gone With The Wind... These days I don't take life very seriously so mostly like comedies and westerns.


Twilight Zone (the 1960's series -- still the best series ever on TV)Lately I've enjoyed watching the old Gene Autry series, which the Starz Encore Western channel has restored and been playing. Many of these episodes, circa 1949-1954, were filmed in Pioneertown, about 15 minutes from our house. Mane street is still set up for filming, and much of the area looks about like it did back then.Then there's the current Desperate Housewives, Boston Legal and The Medium...


Horse training; sci fi time travel; historical novels such as Gone With The Wind, Buffalo Girls; and subscriptions to at least a dozen magazines, half a dozen horse-related, Popular Science, Time, etc. etc. Yeah, I like to read.


Creator: Walt Disney
Singers/actors/humanitarians:Roy Rogers & Dale Evans
People trainer:Clinton Anderson for his dedication to helping horses by teaching people how to teach and handle horses.
Horse trainers: Joe Misner, a local who started my "untrainable" horse under saddle and took 16th place in the 100-trainer national Extreme Mustang Makeover; and James Verret of the J.T. Ranch who's doing a nice job starting my filly, Missy Stardust.
Athelete who sets a great example:
Bull rider Adriano Moraes

My Blog

One horse less

3/28/06: Jaz on her 5th birthday, her colt Neighbor born that day, and Sean. I'm feeling a bit melancholy today, having just traded Jaz to the man who was training and had fallen in love with her.&nbs...
Posted by KAT on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 08:23:00 PST

Interesting company at breakfast

Hubby John, grandson Sean and I ate breakfast this morning at the Joshua Tree Country Kitchen (a small place unrelated to the Kountry Kitchen chain) with friends Gloria and Floyd who we met there year...
Posted by KAT on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 02:57:00 PST

Horse Communicator Results

Jaz all dressed up A couple of weeks ago my six-year-old mare, Jaz, suddenly bit me, HARD, as I was haltering her to go to eat hay in the turnout.  In the three and a half years she's been here, ...
Posted by KAT on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 09:08:00 PST

Grand son's news, house progress

We got a nice visit from Jenny and grand kids Madison and Ian on Easter evening through Monday.  Ian had big news.  He's enlisted in the Air Force, and will be entering soon after he graduat...
Posted by KAT on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 01:15:00 PST

How open minded are you survey

..>..>..>You Are 56% Open MindedYou are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded.Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints.But you also know where you stand ...
Posted by KAT on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 07:15:00 PST

Horse survey

For the love of horses!This survey is all about horses! If you ride, own a horse/pony/mule, orjust enjoy these beautiful animals, than this survey is for you!How long have you loved horses?:All my lif...
Posted by KAT on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 03:59:00 PST

My good news

John and I are going to see Cavalia this Saturday! (Cavalia is similar to Cirque de Soleil, but starring horses.)  I've wanted to see it ever since first hearing about a couple of years ago and h...
Posted by KAT on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 10:16:00 PST

Best way to catch a horse

The other day the colt got loose and John didn't understand why I headed to the Jeep instead of going after the colt immediately.  Well, if I could run as fast as a horse maybe I could catch one ...
Posted by KAT on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 08:26:00 PST

The Hole

Ok, so what's with this hole?  The horses have been going out into the same turnout area every day for four years, but Saturday they decided to dig a hole in it.  One horse would dig while a...
Posted by KAT on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 08:50:00 PST

What Political Party blogthing

You Are a Liberal RepublicanWhen you tell people that you're Republican, they rarely believe you.That's because you're socially liberal - likely pro-choice and pro-gay rights.You're also not so afraid...
Posted by KAT on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 11:14:00 PST