Spending time with my family, camping, horses, dogs, hanging with my friends, reading, movies, traveling and surfing the internet lol
I'd like to meet:
George W. and daddy Bush, to give 'em a piece of my mind, after my husbands three tours of duty and my sons upcoming one, I think I have earned that right (just for the ones of you who are gonna bitch about this).
My fellow Iowan John Wayne, just to show him what a real woman would have done to his wifebeating, arrogant ass.
Marilyn Monroe, cause she was one of the most beautiful and intriguing woman i would have liked to meet.
Mother Theresa, for her strength, kindness and indescribable power she had fighting poverty and discrimination.......this little giant of a woman is my true hero.
Karen Noles, my favorite artist who captures the true spirit, beauty and innocence of women and children. Her paintings are absolutely breathtaking.
Benazir Bhutto because she overcame all odds.
Clint Eastwood, cause hes cool.
Leonardo da Vinci, cause he was a genius.
That "dont taze me, bro" dude, just to ask him what the hell he was thinking.
Ghandi, JFK, Muhammed Ali, Rosa Parks, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Nelson Mandela, Bill and Hilary Clinton, Barrack Obama, and a million more people............Ohhhhhhhh and your mama
Native American, Blues, Rock, Metal...pretty much anything but country.....gag me with a spoon lol
Chocolat, Under the Tuscan sun, Thunderheart, Dances with Wolves, Blues Brothers, Pirates of the Carribean, Ice age, Blow, 300, mostly action and funny movies
stupid reality TV shows, Lost, Jericho, Monk, Law and Order, CSI, Cold Case
the da Vinci code, Ganz unten, the neverending story
My grandparents, my parents, my husband, my children and all of our men and women in uniform