Utah Peace House
Property is being provided by private property owners in the middle of Salt Lake Valley for a Peace House Center. These individuals share the following vision of the space:OUR VISION
--Our Vision is to make the Utah Peace House a culturally diverse center for personal growth and intellectual understanding that offers hope to humanity by providing education and positive alternatives to violence and wasteful practices.
--Our dream is to create a hub of activism for a variety of organizations that promote the principles of a more peaceful world, the development and implementation of alternative energy, and the practice of reducing, reusing and recycling.
--We plan to offer special welcomes to activists, media, and representatives from far and wide who visit Salt Lake.
The Utah Peace House will be a center for peace and justice and will serve our local and regional communities by:
• Serving as a model for practices of a more peaceful world, including non-violence, alternative energy, and the reduction of waste through actual practice.
• Holding a global awareness and understanding of the needs of peace and environmental issues, acting locally to provide an avenue for individual and group participation of achieving peace and an improved environment.
• Providing education, being a resource and creating vehicles of peaceful, direct action for social change justice and environmental sustainability
The Utah Peace House will be a locally based space provided by private individuals for providing space for organizations promoting peace and justice.
We recognize the essential unity of all life.
Operating from principles of non-violence and compassion, we will explore ways in which people can live cooperatively with one another and with the earth.
The Utah Peace House will provide an avenue for groups and individuals to participate in social change for peace with justice.
The UtahPeace House will serve as a center for education, outreach and action. While holding a global consciousness we will choose to act on a local level. We will provide our community with a resource center and serve as a communication link between individuals and groups.
Property has been secured in the middle of Salt Lake Valley by private property owners who will be providing space for our peace house center. Now the work begins! We are continuing to accept grants and support for the development our programs and outreach at the peace house center. Please let us know how you can help. Look for a list soon of ways help is needed.
(Note that contributions to the property itself are welcomed, but not tax deductible. Tax deductible donations are accepted for costs towards running the space provided at the Utah Peace House and for the programs developed by PPJ.)
Everyone who wants peace and justice in our world!
Yes, there IS a peace community in Utah - the reddest U.S. State!