Music, music and more music, movie buff, animals (I have a zoo here, see my pics!), summer concerts, dive bars, roller coasters, good friends, books, trash magazines like Cosmo, eating really fatty and horrible foods, bidding my brains out on Ebay, sleeping and all other forms of goofing off when I can....
I'd like to meet:
Not YOU either! :=)JK....Old friends, new friends.....
adopt your own virtual pet! Doll rendition of me. LOL...yea right! Myspace Contact Tables
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
I like all kinds of rock, from classic rock to heavy metal, classical and some opera even...I am very eclectic with my music taste! Some of my favs:Guns N' Roses..The Beatles..Dave Matthews Band..U2..Neil Young..Sting..Annie Lennox..Mozart!..Billy Joel..Black Sabbath..The Doors..The Dead.....And a MILLION more. I would need 10 MySpace pages to list all the artists I love. I keep an extra hard drive just for all my mp3's!My fav new song from the upcoming (hopefully!!!) Chinese Democracy (TWAT-There Was a Time)-..
Get your own playlist at!
I am a total movie buff, I generally like indies and some foreign film, but I do love the blockbusters too..Some of my favs:
The Office, Las Vegas, Heroes (amazing show!!!!), X-Files re-reuns, Highlander re-runs, Law and Order SVU, Real Time, Heroes, and House....
I am always reading.I buy 5 or 6 books at a time so I can always start up the next one.I just completed The Dark Tower series by Stephen King, they were amazing. The good thing about books is that they never go out of style!I recently read The Talisman and am currently reading Duma Key by my very favorite, Mr. King.
Our Armed Forces! Yes, even as a liberal I give them my utmost respect! My Grandfather, God rest his soul, who was a decorated WW2 veteran and who did a mighty fine job helping to raise me. I also want to add the heroes of 911, many who are fighting for their lives now after having to toil at that site for so long breathing god knows what in the air.
You Are Most Like Bill Clinton
No doubt, your legacy may be a little seedier than you'd like.
But even though you've done some questionable things, you're still loved by almost all. Which American City Are You?
New York
You're competative, you like to take it straight to the fight. You gotta have it all or die trying.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! Take the quiz:
What is your political orientation?
You're a Democrat! You're the sedated cousin of the tree-hugging liberals. You respect civil liberties and protections for the people. Government programs are a plus for you. You're usually calm and collected about your beliefs, a reasonable individual.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Your IQ Is 135
Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional
Your General Knowledge is Genius A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
You Passed 8th Grade Math
Congratulations, you got 8/10 correct! Could You Pass 8th Grade Math?
You Are a New School Democrat
You like partying and politics - and are likely to be young and affluent.You're less religious, traditional, and uptight than most Democrats.Smoking pot, homosexuality, and gambling are all okay in your book.You prefer that the government help people take care of themselves. What political persuasion are you?
Your Designer Jeans Are
Diesel 'Hush' Rigid Jeans What Designer Jeans Are You?
You Should Learn French
C'est super! You appreciate the finer things in life... wine, art, cheese, love affairs.
You are definitely a Parisian at heart. You just need your tongue to catch up... What Language Should You Learn?
Slacker Kid
High school was a place you showed up occasionally, but you didn't really leave a mark.
You hated rules, authority, and structure. In fact, you still do. Who Were You In High School?
You Passed the US Citizenship Test
Congratulations - you got 8 out of 10 correct! Could You Pass the US Citizenship Test? ..
The About Me Myspace Survey
Basic Info....
Name:: Lisa
Place of Birth:: Flushing, Queens NY Baby
Birthday:: 10-4
Zodiac Sign:: Libra
Nationality:: Mostly Italian with a dab of Polish
Height:: 5 ft 2.5
Weight:: how rude! slender!
Eye Color:: hazel
Hair Color:: currently red
Thing to do when bored:: dumb surveys?
Movie:: of all time? too hard to pick!
TV Show:: currently, House
Book:: yea I read those
Season:: Summer!!!!
Starbucks Drink:: blah overpriced
Alcoholic Drink:: anything that has Vodka in it
Non-Alcoholic Drink:: water
Food:: Mexican!!!
Song:: too many to just have one!
Band:: see above
Store:: Off 5th (Saks Outlet!!!)
Girls Name:: why, mine of course!
Boys Name:: who knows
Animal:: all!
Actor:: mmm Joaquin Phoenix
Actress:: Drew Barrymore
Scent:: Lily of the Valley
Restaurant:: any really good Mexican
Sport:: I don't like sports
Gum:: Trident white sugarless
Type of Clothes to Wear:: VS PINK Sweats!
Shoes:: my comfy Pumas
One or the Other....
Day or Night:: a sunny day!
Long or Short Hair:: on who? fkin stupid
Rain or Snow:: Rain
Punk or Rock:: ROCK OH YEA
Hair down or Up:: err
Black or White:: black
Vanilla or Chocolate:: Vanilla
TV or Movie:: Movies!!!
Meat or Veggie:: depends on my mood
Guitar or Drums:: mmm guitar
Skate or Skateboarding:: stupid!
Hugs or Kisses:: BOTH please
Cats or Dogs:: aww I love all my fuzzballs I can't decide
Have You Ever....
Been Out Of The Country:: oui
Been Out Of State:: si
Been To An Amusement Park:: mmhmm
Been Drunk:: haha oh durrr
Done Drugs:: not in a long time!
Laughed So Hard You Cried:: YES!
Ate Too Much That You felt Like You were Gonna Puke:: uhuh
Broken The Law:: errr si
Pulled An All Nighter:: yeppers
Broken A Bone:: nope
Been Heartbroken:: ya
Gone Out in Public in your pjs:: all the time!
Been in A Most Pit:: si
Bunjee Jumped:: non
Sky dived:: non
Been Kissed:: yesssss
Any Piercings:: 4 in ears
Any Tattoos:: 4
Believe in Karma:: si
How Do You Want To Die:: not painfully!
Jeans Size:: 3 or 4
Shoe Size:: 7.5
Are You A Righty or A Lefty:: righty is alrighty
Phobias:: span bridges
Weirdest Dream:: err no I am not telling
Do You Collect Anything:: food stamps? JK! MUSIC!
Do You Like Your Handwriting:: It's illegible
Whats Your Desktop Background: a cool GNR pic someone made
Quote:: fuck this.
Are You....
Honest:: painfully so
Trustworthy:: yes
Funny:: ask my friends
Nice:: ha
Determined:: oui
Emotionally Strong:: sometimes
Dependable:: pretty much so
Independent: uhuh
Confident: sometimes
Caring:: sometimes
Understanding:: sometimes
High Spirited:: err high strung
Shy:: no
Helpful:: si
Responsible:: sometimes
Respectful:: err see above answer
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