John McSame The Human Flip Flop profile picture

John McSame The Human Flip Flop

I will change the world, love me and help me or hate me and fuel me. The Era of Procrastination is O

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator The Catholic Church and Antisemitism, Poland, 1933-1939, By Ronald Modras.Russian Antisemitism, Pamyat, and the Demonology of Zionism, By William KoreyVichy Law and the Holocaust in France, By Richard H. Weisberg.Demonizing the Other: Antisemitism, Racism, and Xenophobia, Edited by Robert S. Wistrich.
Click here to learn what's happening in Darfur.Seen a lot of things. Do a lot of things. In school right now for Psychology, and planning on switching to Political Science next year. Making music, listening to music, writting lyrics, reading about history, politics and the real criminals. I think politics have gotten more gangsta then most rap...
Get this video and more at For those of you who see something wrong with the direction this country is headed in, or who see something wrong with it. For those of you who want to know how to make a difference, or who is making a difference. When you wonder who is speaking up for you, whether you agree with them or understand how/why look no further than below. There are many of us normal Americans who have begun to understand and combat these problems, to work for the future. To protect our freedoms, to protect our Democracy and our rights.It has taken long enough for us who believe in the American dream, the American way and not just capitalism and selfishness. We must unite as a population of citizens, as a public so we can benefit as a whole. We must not be divided, and this has become more a neccessity with every day that passes.I am not a liberal, a communist a tree hugger. For those that know me, and have known me...know I'm the same damn person I've always been. But as Jay-Z would say, I'm focused now. I understand the problems facing our country, I understand and fully grasp their severity. Why? Because I've done my homework, because I've challenged myself to learn what I labeled stupid, what didn't interest me. I took the time to relearn what I had forgotten, then challenge what I had just learned. To study both sides to come to a better sense of reality.The reality is that I am an American, proud and a patriot of this country. I admire our possibilities as a nation, I dispise those who wish to corrupt and poison that dream. I am not a loony liberal, I'm an American who has become a liberal, who is labeled a liberal because I've seen just how far to the right our political balance has shifted. Oh my friends, most of you long lost. I'm in the middle, but for many of you or, for many in general I may appear to be very far away to the left.Don't assume you're standing on solid ground just because you've yet to move your feet...yet to look and study where you're at...your environment. Unfortunately many of us as Americans have shifted, without knowing, to the right with our country. If I seem far to the left then realize where you are standing and understand what our nation needs for proper balance.Its more than Democrats or Republicans, it's Americans and Fascists, Republic or Empire, Democracy or Oppression. Its not about being poor or wanting to help people, its about being real. Its about being honest. Its about standing up for yourself and in the process the whole nation. Its about understanding, its about love. Its about living that dream, not from fear. Its about the Symposium for all you Cascadians out there.

My Interests

Click The Picture Link below to help me meet my goal of raising $500 for John Edwards! By Blood Not Affiliation. Check Me Out on CNN's Situation Room Fast foward to 2:13Fighting Deceptive Cons(Conservatives) and Neo-Cons...Or as us transformers say...Decepticons. Today's Decepticon:And Click Below To Help Me Raise $500 For Barack Obama!

Real News"Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism"-Thomas Jefferson"If I fall, pick up the flag, kiss it, and keep on going.”-Omar Torrijos
The Hole - video powered by Metacafe Never Again Watch this until the end. Theories are based on opinions not facts. Dated September 11th, 1991 George Bush Sr. .. width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....Democrats, liberals, progressives and many middle americans have begun to unite. Many of us are making the same realization. You can't convince everybody, sometimes thats not even effective use of energy, but to those of you who feel the same... You can come together with the rest of us who are ready for something better. Who are looking for the future, and who understand the present.So when you asking what're democrats and progressives doing to come together to unite a voice which speaks for and in our best interests as the public. Look below, some organizations are long standing like the ACLU, many are new.We need to start building the infrastructure that the right wing Republicans have used to dominate the political and social climates in this country. We're starting, and we're making progress. Some have been doing it for years before you were born. Democratic Agenda: Six Point Plan
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Progressive ideas for a strong just and free America
Taking Action To Defend Democracy..
American Civil Liberties Union
Media Matters For America. Protecting Americans from conservative/corporate media bias and misinformation.
Radio for the rest of us. An Island of Blue in a sea of Red.
Mother Jones
The Nation

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Meet John Edwards

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Immortal Technique, Tupac, Bob Marely, Mos Def, Method Man, Busta Rhymes, KRS One, Talib, Matisyahu, Big L, Sean Paul, Eminem, Lil Wayne... You'd be suprised what I like an don't like...even listen to a lil Vico C or TegoIf you have musical talent, then I enjoy listening to your music.So Hip-Hop, Rap, Reggae, Reggaetone, Dancehall


Half Baked, V for Vendetta, Fahrenheit 9/11, Loose Change, 40 year old Virgin, Wedding Crashers, The Constant Gardener, U.S. v John Lennon,Blood Diamond, 9/11 Revisited, The Weather Underground Who Killed The Electric Car, The Corporation... I dunno I'll have to think more on this. Watch Barack Obama's Amazing Presidential Announcement!Watch John Edward's Healhcare VideoWatch and Learn about what it means to be ProgressiveWatch My Favorite Jewish Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz ..
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Curb Your Entusiasm, The Daily Show, Colbert Report,LinkTV, Family Guy, The Simpsons...Discovery Channel, Science Channel, Discovery Times and the History Channels.


an odd cover which is never explained and somewhat propagandistic and even to myself see the symbols themselves creating a picture that is deceiving. 90 degrees...figure it out.

My Blog

Obama & Clinton @ AIPAC -Jeremy K

Perhaps this is not to repost or anything, but as a personal message to those whom have taken the intiative to support this profile and many efforts in the past. I apologize for the lack of opportunit...
Posted by John McSame The Human Flip Flop on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 04:35:00 PST

DEMOCRATS AND ISRAEL December 04, 2007 Steve Sheffey Guest Commentary: DEMOCRATS & ISRAEL DEMOCRATS AND ISRAELBy Steve Sheffey Just prior to the 2006 election, some Republicans warned of dire ...
Posted by John McSame The Human Flip Flop on Fri, 16 May 2008 01:04:00 PST

Bush Is Not Incompetent! STOP FORGETING!

Bush Is Not Incompetent Document Actions by George Lakoff, Marc Ettlinger, Sam Ferguson   Progressives have fallen into a trap. Emboldened by President Bush's plummeting approval ratings...
Posted by John McSame The Human Flip Flop on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 10:46:00 PST

NJDC: How to Fight Rt Wing Smears of Obama/Edwards/Clinton Aimed @ Jewish Voters

..> ..> ..> ..> Dear Jeremy: They are at it again. You may have already received a few bogus emails making false claims about Senators Clinton, Obama and Edwards. The Right Wing Smear Machin...
Posted by John McSame The Human Flip Flop on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 12:48:00 PST

A Practical and Progressive Economic Stimulus and Recovery Plan

is this neccessarily the final plan i support? Ehh maybe it could use some changes...gotta look over it a few times...but thought it worth posting.   -Jeremy K.   A Practical and Progressive...
Posted by John McSame The Human Flip Flop on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 04:10:00 PST

Edwards Details 6 New Proposals 2 Help Get New Orleans Back on its Feet

Edwards Details Six New Proposals to Help Get New Orleans Back on its Feet..startclickprintexclude--> Aug 27, 2007 4:05 PM .. noindex --> .. src="
Posted by John McSame The Human Flip Flop on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 04:53:00 PST

Daily Kos:2 Issues Show Why Edwards Is Our Best Candidate

Daily Kos article/blog and another article at below Clinton V Obama: Battle For Second Place. (with Edwards 1st)   Two Issues Show Why Edwards Is Our Best Candidate by RDemocrat Wed Dec...
Posted by John McSame The Human Flip Flop on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 01:05:00 PST

Jews Support Democrats because Democrats Fight 4 Jewish Values

Jews Support Democrats Because Democrats Fight 4 Jewish Values   Democrats speak for Jews' not-so-silent majorityby Ira N. Formanexecutive director of the National Jewish Democratic Council Or...
Posted by John McSame The Human Flip Flop on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 12:56:00 PST

John Edwards’ Plan 2 Build One America

  John Edwards' Plan To Build One America -->startclickprintexclude--> --> noindex --> .. src="" type=t...
Posted by John McSame The Human Flip Flop on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 03:12:00 PST

Restoring Hope to Rural America

Restoring Hope To Rural America Video: Rural Recovery Plan - Iowa Community Meetings John Edwards speaks about his rural recovery plan at community meetings in Adel and Boone, Iowa on April 20, 200...
Posted by John McSame The Human Flip Flop on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 02:57:00 PST