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New book from Jean MacColl - Sun On The Water - released 2nd April 2008
Kirsty MacColl led a dazzling life - tender, creative, heroic and full of love. This book, by her mother Jean MacColl, charts with moving insight Kirsty's early years, celebrates her brilliant career at the front rank of the music business in the 1980s and '90s, and mourns her tragic and untimely death - killed by a speedboat in Mexican waters in December 2000. It also tells, with heartfelt truth, the shocking story of the elaborate cover-up and gross miscarriage of justice that followed, and appeals for justice to be done in her name. Daughter of legendary folk-singer Ewan MacColl and dancer mother Jean, Kirsty was a precocious child, troubled by ill health, whose talent quickly blossomed into a unique artistry. She signed to the Stiff Records label and after her first tentative success moved to Polydor, which brought her her first major airplay with 'There's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop Swears He's Elvis', demonstrating Kirsty's trademark dry wit and social awareness.
Top-ten success - and widespread acclaim as a musical postergirl of the times - followed with such hits as 'A New England' and 'Days', but it was her 1987 collaboration with The Pogues on the Christmas hit 'Fairytale of New York' which really brought her brand of feisty folk-pop to an international audience. By then married to producer Steve Lillywhite, her talents lent magic to an astonishing array of creative collaborations; this book includes new reflections on her life by many of her friends and colleagues, including Jools Holland and Billy Bragg. In 2006 Bono dedicated U2's Mexico concert performances of 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For' to Kirsty's memory.But Kirsty's family, friends, and fans still haven't found what they're looking for: justice for those responsible for the needless hit-and-run accident that left her two young sons swimming in her blood. Soon after Kirsty's death, Jean and her friend and colleague John Dalby started the Justice for Kirsty Campaign, which has now grown into a worldwide organisation, ably spearheaded by human rights activist Fred Shortland. The campaign will continue until justice is done.
Meanwhile, Kirsty's vivacious personality lives on in the enduring legacy of her brilliant music. This remarkable book - in equal parts a celebration and an appeal for truth - tells the story of both.
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Kirsty was a 41 year old singer and songwriter. She was born in Croydon, South London, the daughter of folk singer Ewan MacColl and choreographer Jean Newlove. Kirsty married top producer Steve Lillywhite in August 1984 and had two children: Jamie was born on the 20 Feb 1985 and Louis was born on the 3rd Sept 1987. She split up with Steve in 1994 but they remained friends. In her latter days Kirsty was happily in a relationship with another musician, James Knight, who met her while teaching Louis to play saxophone.
Kirsty was killed by a power boat whilst scuba diving with her sons in a restricted diving area off Cozumel, Mexico.
Here are the main points which were printed in the original "Mail on Sunday" article by Peter & Leni Gillman in 2004:
The powerboat (belonging to a the chairman of a large Mexican company) had apparently been travelling too fast in a National Park which bans such boats. An inexperienced boathand (Cen Yam) was charged with causing her death and found guilty of negligent homicide (subject to confirmation by a judge), which carries a sentence of up to seven years.
The owner, Guillermo González Nova, and his family were on board, and claimed it was the boathand, Cen Yam, at the controls, and that they were outside the restricted area travelling at no more than one knot. Witnesses said the boat was moving at high speed inside the National Park, its bow riding clear of the water. Kirsty would have died instantly. Jamie was struck on the head and side, without suffering serious injury.
The boathand's job was to carry out maintenance - he did not have a licence for such a powerful boat, and had never taken its helm before. Though he claimed to have taken a seaman's course he was unable to answer basic questions. The boat owner did not have the right powerboat licence either.
Port authority investigators found the dive boat had been flying a flag, but it did not conform to international regulations. It should also have had another crew member on board, and should have put out a marker buoy. However the ruling was that the powerboat had been in the prohibited area, the pilot had been negligent and violated navigation laws and the owner should not have let him take the controls.
Jean believes the person who carries the greatest culpability is the owner, who was not charged. She also questions who was actually at the helm, and plans to visit Cozumel soon to investigate further.
Initially "Justice For Kirsty" was financed from Kirsty's estate but Jean believed those bequests, which would mostly benefit her sons, should no longer be drained. She has been forced to draw on her savings but is also heavily reliant on donations. Many kind supporters have given to the campaign either through the campaign website or at fundraising events around the country, including the very popular Pogues tours which have taken place for the last three years. Other artists including Billy Bragg and Eddi Reader have been most helpful in raising funds and awareness.
'No one should be above the law,' she says. 'It's not a vendetta but I want the truth to come out. I am determined to see this through.'
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Christmas Message From Jean MacColl

I am very aware that this is the end of the 7th year since Kirsty's death and the Mexicans are still shielding a man known to both the government and the judiciary. They must stop trying to find excuses to let him off the hook.

I am not asking for a jail sentence, simply an admission of guilt which seems to be beyond their powers or a new trial and full investigation with new witnesses. This latter seems umlikely. Too risky, perhaps for Gonzalez?

So, much as I don't want it (and neither do they), the court of Human Rights seems the only solution. Perhaps Gonzalez should reflect on how his behaviour to escape blame has led to shaming his country. I have no time for the judiciary's quandary. Thank you all for still being engaged in the fight as it starts its eighth year.

The book still has a last page empty for an acceptable resolution.

Christmas greetings and a peaceful and Happy New Year.


I'd like to meet:

My name is Dylan Lancaster and you can find a link to my own page below.

I have been a fan of Kirsty MacColl for many years, 20 in fact, and like everyone else who loved her, I was devestated by the news of her death a few years ago. I had seen Kirsty in concert only a few months before and it just didn't seem possible. I still miss her greatly.

I decided to set up this page as a tribute to Kirsty and also th hopefully work up some more support for the campaign and thank you for taking an interest and reading if you have got this far.

The page is new and I will add more information, what you can do to help the campaign and extras over the next few days.

I also have a group for the campaign on Myspace and you will find it if you look under "Groups" on this page or on my page. Or you can follow the link below.

Once again, thank you for reading and please add us to your friends.

Best Wishes,


My Blog


  This is an important message to all Kirsty MacColl's fans and friends everywhere across the world. Would you all please contact the Mexican Ambassadors resident in your own country (Full list ...
Posted by Official Justice For Kirsty MacColl Page on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 01:21:00 PST

Daily Telegraph 26th December 2007

Tragedy behind Kirsty MacColl's 'Fairytale' By Olga Craig December 18 is not a date Jean MacColl cares to acknowledge. This year, though frail now at 84, and with fading eyesight, she travelled acro...
Posted by Official Justice For Kirsty MacColl Page on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 07:07:00 PST

The Day The Music Died

The Telegraph 31st July 2004 The day the music died The death of Kirsty MacColl in a diving accident off the coast of Mexico made shocking headlines around the world. Now, nearly four years later, he...
Posted by Official Justice For Kirsty MacColl Page on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 07:09:00 PST