Here is my Auto-Bio.. which is more bio than auto I guess ..
I sometimes hear or see other artists or art that has been created and feel this burning sort of feeling in my chest (that leaks slowly into my whole body) that wishes I could have either created the piece or feel what its like to be that person midst creation. Yet Im so glad to be myself and I recognize that there is a special little spot that was made only for me to be that self there, and its joyful to reach that existance. Its funny to see my transition after the fact but going through it isn't always so laughable at the time. Im working on being able to laugh at myself more, and its working.I have extreeme difficulty when it comes to bringing things to fruition and a completion in a sense.. although I sort of agree with the notion that life is all about the journey. So with that concept I am exactly right where I should be anyway, however part of my soul wants to see my projects played out to fufillment and feel some sort of climactical satisfaction... somewhat having to do with feeling glorious maybe? Dunnoooo. Its my thing just gotta do what I gotta doooo. But the music will always hold my soul together, I really enjoy feeling greatful for that and in general.Bouquet was my debut album that I completed in 2006 under a record label which with I am no longer affiliated. It was a company that helped to produce that album as well as the video for "This Gun" whch is floating about and also hosted on my page. For the time I spent with the company a lot of maturation took place and I got to play tons of shows and meet many great and gifted artists especially around NJ and NYC but also over seas as well. Its been an interesting transmutation into my current state -Istopped playing shows for a while shortly after the cd release tour in the tri-state area as well as Stockholm, Sweden (Hej Do!) . I am currently almost finished with writing the second and third albums, although since there are so many songs I'm guessing I will be lisencing/selling them to other artists to record etc. (A big step for me, I feel a little anxious but mostly excited!)
THANK YOU! For listening to the music and reading my blogs because they will let you know about who I am and what is going on with me at a current and up to date pace, considering I LOVE myspace! I truly am diehard for myspace I couldnt even keep a facebook account it was too depressing. I am out and about playing shows now so please don't hesitate to write, say hi, come out to a show and chill. I REALLY want to meet you all and get to know you and maybe even make a few friends, that's the idea right? Anyway I love to meet new people but characteristically its harder for me to maintain friendships, which might be cool with you if you are the type that can appreciate an entity for what it is :) I try to do that consistantly to be less judgemental of others and myself.
I think stuff like this is amazing :
my 360 flair 540 tail tap
Dan Barry - Hartford Advocate
"Zamsteen is pure noir femme fatale. Its an unbelievable live show. One minute she’s sitting at the keyboard and the next, she’s go-go dancing like a juke joint slut from a Godard flick. When she plays guitar, she tugs the strings like they’re elastics, and not metal wrapped around metal..."
Frank Gauliter
Read More About Rachel Zamsteen's Debut Release Bouquet
Tris Mccall - Jersey Beat
"With her soul-inflected pop gems Rachel Zamsteen brings power, stamina, and songs like "Drought"; which prove that the conversational Zamsteen is just as expressive, though when she needs to build to a thundering climax - as she does on "This Gun" - she'll shake the tweeters out of your stereo.
Rachel Zamsteen is the singer-songwriter to watch. She's going to do better albums than Bouquet. There are seeds here that'll likely blossom into something different from "This Gun", the lead single and the Zamsteen song that has captured the most attention so far..."