We at Rock Out To Knock Out RSD Inc. LOVE MUSIC!! So, Ashley's idea was to put music with the need to help others that suffer from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, AKA RSD, AKA THE MONSTER! The Love of music, and the love to help others is what makes Rock Out To Knock Out Inc. work so well..
People with RSD, that need a helping hand..
Bands willing to play at the Rock Out To Knock Out RSD events..
People wanting to donate funds or items to Rock Out To Knock Out RSD Inc., or any other honest RSD group; we can help you find another group that you can donate to.
If we all work together, we will beat this monster.
This is Tod and his family. Tod has RSD very bad in his foot. With Mike's help we got him a wheelchair; Workers Comp would not help him. This is why we work so hard.
Show your SUPPORT for Rock Out To Knock Out RSD, Inc.!
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Help us help the millions that suffer with RSD!
SEED at the last Rock Out To Knock Out RSD Concert.. Thank you so much for being so supportive always. Thank you Pat for the video, you are great!
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The bag above and the toolbox below are both custom pieces of artwork that were presented to Ashley during the first Rock Out To Knock Out RSD Event. Any act of kindness touches Ash so much; yes, she was crying in the picture below.