Michael Brückner profile picture

Michael Brückner


About Me

Für Freunde der deutschen Sprache:
Ich produziere seit 1993 elektronische Musik und bin seit ca. sechs Jahren Mitglied (und Produzent) des rheinhessischen Artrock-Trios B4 SUNRISE.
Mein musikalischer Schwerpunkt ist Ambient.
Von hier aus erforsche ich neugierig andere musikalische Gefilde, manche benachbart (Dance, Drum and Bass, TripHop, freie experimentelle Elektronik), andere weiter entfernt (Jazz, Pop, Artrock, Metal, Folk).
In den vergangenen zwölf Jahren habe ich 85 Alben produziert (z.T. mit Gastmusikern). Einzelheiten über die Alben gibt es im Blog "No Single Single".
2002 wurde mein Album "One Thirty Eight" recht wohlwollend von dem Musikjournalisten Albrecht Piltz für die Zeitschrift KEYBOARDS besprochen.
Meine Alben sind z.Z. auf Anfrage zum Selbstkostenpreis erhältlich (Kontakt bitte über myspace) - wobei ich die genauen Versandmodalitäten noch austüfteln muss. Es soll aber jeder eines haben, der eines möchte...
Beruflich arbeite ich als Diplom-Grafikdesigner bei einer kleinen, aber feinen Mainzer Druckerei (www.druckerei-linde.de). Ich bin glücklich verheiratet und Vater einer zehnjährigen Tochter.
Lingua Franca*:
Hello to everyone (and every two, too)!
I started producing electronic Musik somewhere in 1993. Also, I've been a member (and producer) of the Artrock-Trio B4 Sunrise for about six years.
My musical focus lies on ambient.
From this point, I´m exploring other musical areas, some closer to the genre like Dance, Drum and Bass, Trip Hop, or Free Experimental Music, some more distant (or maybe more conventional) like Jazz, Pop, Artrock, Metal or Folk...
Over the last twelve years I have produced 85 albums (some of the tracks with musical guests). Information about my albums You find in the blog "No Single Single".
In 2002 my album "One Thirty Eight" was reviewed quite mercyfully by music-journalist Albrecht Piltz for the German KEYBOARDS-magazine.
If You are interested in ordering one (or more) of my albums (for a more or less symbolic charge), You can send me a message via myspace - I still have to figure out how I´ll manage the distribution, but I will let You now in a short while.
Jobwise, I am designer (and printer, actually) in a small but fine printing-shop in the city of Mainz (www.druckerei-linde.de).
I am married (and very happily so, if You like to know...) and father of a ten year old daughter.
* "A lingua franca is any language widely used beyond the population of its native speakers."

My Interests


Member Since: 1/29/2007
Band Website: mp3.de/home/michaelbrueckner
Band Members: Michael Brückner:
Programming, Sound Design and Production, occasional Voices, Keyboards, Flutes, Glasses, Toys and everything that produces any noise

Regular Guest Musicians:

Cäcilia Brückner:
Vocals and Voices

Reinhold Krämer:
Vocals, Synthesizer, Organ, E-Piano, occasional Flutes and Percussion

Wolfgang Bechtluft (WollotoW):
Accoustic and Electric Guitars, E-Bow, Vocals, Fretless Bass and Percussion

Klaus Chmielewski:
Vocals, Keyboards and occasional Co-Production

Influences: Everything is influenced by everything else...
Here are some of the styles (and their heros) which I take inspiration from:

Seventies Rock-Classics (e.g. Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, King Crimson)

Ancient Electronic Music (e.g. Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream, Brian Eno, Roedelius, Klaus Schulze, Michael Hoenig, Klaus Schulze and Klaus Schulze)

Avantgarde and Minimal Music (e.g. Terry Riley, Steve Reich, Philip Glass, György Ligeti - but most of these Peter Michael Hamel)

80's Elektronic Pop (e.g. Propaganda, Eurythmics)

More recent Electronic Music (e.g. Future Sound of London, Aphex Twin, Mouse on Mars, Cristian Vogel)

ECM-Jazz (e.g. Keith Jarret, Jan Garbarek, Nils Petter Molvaer)

Medieval Music (e.g. Hildegard v. Bingen)

Indian Musik

(and most of all Klaus Schulze !!!).
Sounds Like: Some listeners of my stuff were reminded of some tracks of the these artists:
David Bowie (esp. Outland), Brian Eno, Mouse on Mars, Underworld, Aphex Twin, Massive Attack and more recently Wolfram Spyra...

But You can judge Yourself (and tell me, if You like...):

You..ll find a little player in the Blog (More Music!) where You can find a couple of my tracks (from 1997 to now, one for each year). No really "Best of...", I think, but I still like them. I..m going to update the playlist each month, so if You enjoy this ones, You can come back from time to time and find some more.

I like this, too:

Record Label: unsigned (Selbstverlag)
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Welcome, Everybody!It has been quite a while since I did update this player (a whole year, actually).Now, You find another small selection from my album work, this time more or less quiet tracks from ...
Posted by Michael Brückner on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 07:37:00 PST

SEQUENZ + KONSEQUENZ Regular Music (Part 7)

Hey - where has the player gone?!? I will fix this soon!Welcome to all of You to the seventh issue of SEQUENZ + KONSEQUENZ- my little free music series!It has been a while since I've been updating to ...
Posted by Michael Brückner on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 06:09:00 PST


Hi everybody!I thought it would be nice to have some more info about the tracks which are on the player right now. So, if You're interested - here we go:Blue Petal MedleyActually this medley consists ...
Posted by Michael Brückner on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 07:11:00 PST


Hello, dear myspace-people out there!Because of family issues I will stop producing new music for a longer period - as far as I can see, about three years will be a good estimation.Whether this is a b...
Posted by Michael Brückner on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 12:12:00 PST

NO SINGLE SINGLE - All the albums

NO SINGLE SINGLE - the 85 Albums (and one CD-Rom!) of Michael BrücknerThis Info is soon to be expanded upon, but for a start it contains a list with a short description of the albums that are within ...
Posted by Michael Brückner on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 02:46:00 PST