Reverend Voice profile picture

Reverend Voice

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

...there was a boy who had this wide eyed twinkle for the world around him. He set out on a quest to discover not only who HE was, but what the world was. It was then, with a close friend, that he discovered he actually was a robot. His name meant:
Data Analyzing Robot Youth Lifeform

It is because of my childhood that I know this much stupid shit about nothing in particular.

I'm a man on a search for cult status - loud - fun - generally nice. Anything else is askable.

My Interests

Alias, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Games, Comics, Torrenting, Conventions, Webcomics, Wrestling, B-Grade Movies, MST3k, Gilmore Girls (Shut up), Plans to taking over the world, Ed Wood, Neil Gaiman, Douglas Adams, Lenny Bruce, Horror Flicks, Comedy, Fantasy, Crushing my hapless minions, finding cult status, Spider Robinson, Sealab 2021, Doll, Deadpool, Lots of music, In His Likeness

I'd like to meet:

Alive: (assuming I can have a long conversation with them)
Kevin Smith, JJ Abrams, Neil Gaiman
Mostly dead people, really:
Douglas Adams, Bill Hicks, Andy Kaufman, Freddie Mercury.. err, I'm sure there are lots more.


Lots o' stuff. Borrow my iPod and figure it out...


Highlander, Pump Up The Volume, Dead Poet's Society, SFW, Ocean's Eleven, Kill Bill, LOTR, Star Wars, Spidey, X-Men, Terminator 2, Troma Films, MST3k (any really), Last Starfighter, Breakin, Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo, The Stuff, Natural Born Killers, Dusk Til Dawn, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Willy Wonka (Original), Bad Sci-fi, Good Horror, Bad Horror


Babylon 5, BSG, Gilmore Girls, Raw, The Office, Arrested Development, Adult Swim, Heroes, Chuck, Weeds, Rescue Me, all sorts of cartoons and dark comedines


Jim Henson
Lenny Bruce
Andy Kaufman

My Blog

What I Think Of MySpace Bulletins...

Welcome to the first portion of my new favorite feature:I'll occasionally be taking MySpace Bulletins and posting them up here in my blog.  They will be responded to in a manner that I see fit du...
Posted by Reverend Voice on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 08:50:00 PST

My thoughts on MYSPACE

So I uploaded a photo... I found some of my friends. Then the messages started pouring in. People all over the country started asking to be my friend. Errr.. why? I don't know these people -...
Posted by Reverend Voice on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST