Magandang umaga.
I am Jillian, sometimes called Jilly or Jillycat, but please don't call me Jill - I won't answer.
I always say "good morning", because I like the sound of it, it's bright and cheerful, I'm known in some circles for singing "Good Morning, Starshine" and well - it's always morning somewhere.
I am:
~ a 28-going-on-22 hot mess
~ a chubby little imp-fairy-thing temporarily alight in the middle of New Jersey to get her sew on.
~ the kind of girl who cuts her own hair with craft scissors at 4:00 in the morning.
~ not. white. So take your ass-umptions somewhere else.
~ in one word, idiosyncratic.
~ possessing of a brain that is somehow a magical magnet for ridiculous pop culture knowledge, up to and including things I just don't care about.
~ the wardrobe girl, and one day I will be the costume lady.
~ inordinately fond of paisley. *See background of page for reference*
~ always ready to whip out Starbucks literature and school your ass.
~ just a drag queen at heart.
~ more in love with busking three levels underground for unsteady tips than with playing a gig at a club.
~ going to have my own sewing room... one day...
~ a big fan of garish colourways.
~ ready to take on the world with an 18-gallon plastic tote of yarn, a bag of crochet hooks and armfuls of knitting needles, dammit.
~ peripatetic, poetic and chic (points for you if you can tell me the source)
Unable to leave it at that, I will also add that I'm ridiculously awkward, I can read many more languages than I can speak, I collect tap shoes, I love reading cookbooks, I have Tourette's-like outbursts of unintelligible sounds when I see cute things, and my scarf collection will NEVER be too big, nor will my hat collection.
I didn't belong in musical theatre, pop music, chain restaurants, Evangelical Christianity, high school, ballet class, the soprano section, Central Illinois, or behind the mic at a Jersey Shore bar. Realising this has made me a very happy person.
Every dog in New York City knows who I am.
I do not like:
~ ketchup
~ The Hills
~ finding dead mice in my room
~ white chocolate
~ waist-length winter coats
~ racism, homophobia, or ANY sort of bigotry
~ Anne Geddes photos
~ the belief that chicken fingers and macaroni & cheese are the required staple diet for children
~ wine snobs and yarn snobs; the thought of meeting someone who is both downright terrifies me
~ Vera Bradley bags... no, no... ALL designer purses
~ the words moist and milk - ugh
~ Girls Gone Wild
~ monkeys!!!!!!!!
I think that's about it for me... until the next update!
This is my family:
This is perfection:
I believe in love:
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