practicing my stealth manuevers (i'm nice son!); looking out the window (we have a great view); sleeping as much as i want; being fabulous when i feel like it; buggin out whenever i want; human behavior in general - such facinating creatures. i secretly love chocolate and will rob steal and scratch your eyes out for it. Unfortunately, it's poisonous for cats to eat chocolate so I hardly ever get my paws on it. But then again, what's an addiction worth having if it can't kill you?
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i like people who like me. if you can't handle my energy, beat it. if you're allergic, then guess whose problem that is?
Music I love: salsa of course. i like to watch people's feet and bite their ankles. hahaha!
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I like to watch Big Cat Diaries; NBA basketball; commercials; CNN, The Tyra Show
Among my favorite books: The Almanac, The English/Spanish-Spanish English Dictionary
My Heroes? mBoogie of course-that's my homegurl for life! mariposa is mad cool too! shout out to marlyn, des and big red! and of course, last but not least miss cindysugarush without whom i would have never met my homegurl for life! thank you cindy! meow forever!