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dale g thomas


About Me

Creating music with the following bands: BOTTLE OF SMOKE,THE GREEN MIST, JONA BYRON, ALAISHIA, GO PUBLIC, FRANK LEE EARNEST AND THE EMPTY GLASSES.I do some fun work at Wilson st studios, in South Yarra/ Melbourne. I assist for an artist comrade who lives in the Mt Dandenong Ranges,in the forest, preparing materials,paints and canvas. Further more down the fox hole i'm involved with Thirsty films / Matt Porter productions,i do stuff... scripting, stage and lighting, cinematography...independent short or feature film, and or documentary. All for now.

Check out my blog - click below
my blog

My Interests

MUSIC, song, entertaining, film, coffee, writing, photograghy, working, drinking, integrity, stories, am hours, bargins, stillness, freedom, waiting, broken families, cigarettes, woman, reading, observation,obsession, THE UNIVERSE, passion, standing and sitting, the blues, honesty, companionisim, communication, thinking, feeling, noodling, cinema, galleries, live bands, silence, problems, failure and fear, the weather, sunshine, rain, EVOLUTION, searching, open spaces, sea water, trees and city lights, guitar chords, percussion, keys and singing...


mark lanegan~~~ fleetwood mac (original) ~~~ my bloody valentine~~~ calexico~~~ the meanies~~~ thurston moore~~~ jeff beck~~~ patti smith~~~ paul westerberg~~~ richard buckner~~~ mike watt~~~ fire hose~~~ pixies~~~ radio birdman~~~ the who~~~ pogues~~~ paul kelly~~~ dead can dance~~~ rockets from the crypt~~~ marc ribot~~~ m ward~~~ iggy pop~~~ bjork~~~ nick cave and the bad seeds~~~ wilco~~~ neko case~~~ bob dylan~~~ sonic youth~~~ led zepplin~~~ emmylou harris~~~ bonnie prince billy~~~ soundgarden~~~ beasts of bourbon~~~ tom waits~~~ gillian welch~~~ shannon hoon~~~ sigur ros~~~ smog~~~ the rolling stones~~~ pearl jam~~~ the beatles~~~ the beatles~~~ killing joke~~~ tumbleweed~~~ miles davis~~~ pink floyd~~~ king crimson~~~ neil young~~~ bert janch~~~ arvo part~~~ the dirty three~~~ robert johnson~~~ the doors~~~ nina simone~~~ wire~~~ john zorn~~~ blind willie mctell~~~ howlin' wolf~~~ sam cooke~~~ Al green~~~elvis~~~rainbow~~~ thin lizzy~~~ ac/dc~~~ chuck berry~~~ tim / jeff buckley~~~


a love song for bobby long, three burials...,dead man, wings of desire, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, dancer in the dark, lost highway, donnie darko, taxi driver, ghosts of the civil dead, dead man walking, eyes wide shut, easy rider, blue velvet.....


TV is garbage.


My Dark Places. by James Ellroy. Spoon River Anthologies. by Edger Lee Masters.(1868~1950)

My Blog


Christianity,along with all other theorestic belief systems, is the fraud of the age. It serves to detach our species from the NATURAL world  ( the moon, sun, stars, paganism... ect)  and li...
Posted by dale g thomas on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 01:24:00 PST

Random Interest.

The weight of the worldis love.Under a burdenof solitude,under the burdenof dissatisfation.        (taken from,"Song" by, Allen Ginsberg.)..............................
Posted by dale g thomas on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 01:07:00 PST

Something Lester Bangs wrote.

I can say to love loves question's you have to love  the answers, answers that may quicken the end of love that's loved to love the awful inequality of human experience,that loves to say we tow...
Posted by dale g thomas on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 08:35:00 PST

Art Vs Life.

Must i paint a picture about the way that i feel?.This situation of Art V's Life and the present elitism within the bourgeoisie and upper class. The critics hold their heads high cause they know about...
Posted by dale g thomas on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:54:00 PST


"I WILL MARY MARTHA WAINWRIGHT!!"...Me and Martha...Martha and Me....Oh Yes!!,  She shall be mine, i will win her heart and then i will be a made man.Martha Martha Martha,Come to me!Ha....
Posted by dale g thomas on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 08:59:00 PST


Ok, so I was recently reading about men's depression in the modern world which was in an alternative magazine. I found it very insightful and thought to share some of it's stand out findings&perhaps i...
Posted by dale g thomas on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 08:18:00 PST


"Ok,well fuck me!!...Fuck me!   surely not!...10 years".   I remember that day, the papers, the phone calls, the waiting on the final truth... days ahead...what, when, how?...no wa...
Posted by dale g thomas on Tue, 29 May 2007 12:31:00 PST


Ok, so Errin Kelly and i where invited to do an Accoustic set at a venue on Lygon st, Calton and we thought,great, lets do that. Playing these kind of shows are a thing we've done well at over the yea...
Posted by dale g thomas on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 07:50:00 PST