Jas profile picture


Heaven help the man who fights his fears....

About Me

If you're wondering what I am, I'm Japanese/black, or Blackanese. Yes, I belong to a race of people you probably have never heard of. Haha but some of you are familiar with the group. I am an illustrator and make money that way. I am also somewhat of a musician and write stuff. It would be cool to make money that way someday. Thats enough info for now. Take a look at my professional sitehttp://rowdyruffboyz.com/jas/I am Jas RAWR! P img src="http://www.modmyprofile.com/worlds/662294.bmp"

My Interests

weightlifting, music, driving, meeting people, the supernatural, art, swords, anatomy, videogames, excersize, piano, boxing, movies, percussion, comics, photography and you.

I'd like to meet:

old friends. anyone with personalityAIM SN: venkman9993592You can check me out at xanga.com/gothboyv



nerdcore, rock, alt, rap, heavy metal, punk, emo, goth, trance, techno, rave, 80s music, soundtracks, opera, video game music


anything funny, ghostbusters, kill bill, dracula, edward scissorhands, beetle juice, return of the living dead 3, all HORROR movies, the crow, chick flicks?


4 | | | simpsons, southpark, family guy, anime | | | 3


4 | | | magazines, comics, manga | | | 3


Jesus, Vlad Dracula, Doc Holliday, James "Logan" Howlett, Nathaniel Essex, Ed Gein, and Bruce Wayne

My Blog

80s movie night

80s movies on a friday night.  stories of my life.  and i love it.  i dont want to do anything dont bother me i'm watching pretty in pink.fast times at ridgemont high is hella good too....
Posted by Jas on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 08:59:00 PST

to be king

And he smashed the computer with one powerful blow.  He then turned to his dog, raised his sledgehammer to him and said, "now what about my slippers."  The dog Buck ran upstairs and brought ...
Posted by Jas on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 12:55:00 PST

mindless survey to pass time

1. The phone rings. What's your ring tone?the transformers cybertron anthem2. If you could kiss the last person you kissed, would you?yea3. Who was...
Posted by Jas on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 11:23:00 PST

touch the child

    theres just nothin like a hot fiday or saturday night playing video games and listeneing to 80s music.  never lose touch with your inner child..
Posted by Jas on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 09:58:00 PST

happy birthday michael jackson

I wish I could move like MJ get down with my shoulder shake... August 29, 1958...
Posted by Jas on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 11:27:00 PST

i got two devils on my shoulder but i say im a christian

haha kinda sounds like a lyric of some sorti got two devils on my shoulder but i say im a christian....i dont even consider the little guys devils.  the Bible depics them much differentlybut man ...
Posted by Jas on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 09:26:00 PST

superbad was super good

but hot rod was funnier.  but superbad had the same ghostbusters lunch pail that i had as a kid and still have!!  but theyre both hilarious and now i cant wait to see balls of fury.  ah...
Posted by Jas on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 01:44:00 PST

Jas Takes City Hall

Get the fuck of my scrillaAll ur gonna do is take it and spend it on drug dealersCrooked cops and government killersIt never stops but this time I'll be the winnerI'm keeping that money in my walletCo...
Posted by Jas on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 10:30:00 PST

return of the king

ehh im no king of anything yet, but i am sort of returning.  ive been very  busy lately with work and now things are settling down, so i will appear soon. 
Posted by Jas on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 10:06:00 PST

d r e a m i n g

sometimes i wonder if our dreams affect or are affected by others.  do we dream certain things because someone close dreams or thinks certain things.  or can a person sense what you have dre...
Posted by Jas on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 03:13:00 PST