I'm interested in A LOT of things but for the most part like to read, play sports esp. football, ride my bike, pretty much anything outdoors, games and just enjoying the days as they go by.
There are alot of people I'd like to meet. Like Inna Fong, my co-worker for instance. She's the greatest co-worker anyone could ever ask for. (I didn't put that. She did.) There's the usual famous people (old school star wars cast), dead people (St. Augustine, C.S. Lewis, and the Roman Emperor who established Pax Romana), royalty (the Queen of England), the people we take for granted (world war 2 veterans and astronauts), and people from different countries because I love hearing how they talk about their country and how different it is from here. But, most of all I would like to meet people and just talk and chill every now and then.
I've been getting into various types of music. Other than that I do listen to mainstream stuff. Live 105.3 for those of you in the Bay. Um...I don't really like country too much thats a hit and miss field for me. For the most part I've really just been looking at music that fits my needs. Because before I'd always listen to what people suggest but now I'm just finding music for me. Even if people think it sucks. I'm still open to suggestions though.
My favorite movies of all time are the Star Wars movies. The reason is because when I was young I had the very first movie and use to watch it all the time. From then on I just became a Star Wars geek, for lack of a better word. Other than I like war movies, horror, comedy, and some romance.
Basketball, Football, Baseball, Californication, Family Guy, SCRUBS!, Boondocks, The Tudors, Rome, almost anything on Adult Swim and whatever else catches my eye.
I love to read! All time favorites: The Alchemist, The Giver, Ender's Game, The Talisman, Harry Potter Series, Enchantment, aaand The Hardy Boys (ooold school).
Jesus Christ. Because he's the only one to die for me that I know of. Plus my mom for resucing me from drowning in Hawaii. She's the bomb diggity!