Bright shiny things, jaywalking, not finishing what I start, not even starting what I talked about starting for a whole evening, greyhound bus, tasty food that is bad for me, self sabotage, outie bellybuttons, sixth toes, and boldly entering where no man has gone before.
Survey pushers and bands that claim to sound like 'Cinderella', my own personal Jesus and people that actually order Viagra off of spam E-mailers. I'd also like to give a shout-out to any prospective employers that have Googled my name.
Music is a good thing unless you have the song 'One night in Bangkok' by Murray Head repeatedly playing in your head for long periods of time. Oh? What's that? Do you hear it playing now? Is it sticking? It will. You're screwed. The world's your oyster my friend.
I like documentaries. Usually. I identified with 'Fast, Cheap and Out of Control' quite a bit. Especially the Naked Mole Rat guy. I have a horrible habit of talking through movies at theaters, and even had to be removed from a theater once. So, if I do go out to movies - I sit by myself and avoid alcohol.
Anything low to mid brow. I'm not so sure about that Judge Judy lady, though. (like you've never watched it....)
I like books. You can carry them anywhere. If it gets stolen or destroyed by an act of god, it sucks - but it's not as bad as losing a laptop or something of that nature.
Anybody that has mastered the art of moderation. I sure can't seem to get it down.