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Dean aka Big Poppa Pull

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which ancient power are you?

You are apart of the Spartan race. HELL YEAH! Spartans were some of the most feared warriors out there. You were raised from birth to become a killing machine in battle and never lose. But for some reason, the Spartans fall off of the map shortly after their shocking loss to the thebans.
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300 Spartans, Rocky 3 and 4,Happy Gilmore,The Outlaw Josey W Goldberg Undone

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l Kazmier, John Wayne, Paul Anderson,Dave Draper,Rodger S
Get your own countdown at taubach,George WashingtonYour results:
You are Superman Superman 90% The Flash 70% Green Lantern 70% Supergirl 65% Robin 65% Wonder Woman 60% Iron Man 60% Spider-Man 55% Batman 45% Hulk 35% Catwoman 25% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
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What Militaristic Historical Figure Are You?

Richard the Lionhearted
Heavily involved in current task. Flexible, willing to compromise and reason.
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Would you make a good general?

You would be a great general!
Alexander the Great. Julius Caesar. Napoleon Bonaparte. Erwin Rommel. You! You are a great general. You not only care about your assigned missions, but also you care about the men. You are a charismatic leader, always with the soldiers, keeping up their morale and will to fight. Not only do you have great character, you are also a solid tactician. Great strategy and great character!
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Your results:
You are Juggernaut Juggernaut 75% Apocalypse 70% Magneto 66% Dr. Doom 66% Venom 60% Dark Phoenix 60% Catwoman 55% Kingpin 55% Mr. Freeze 53% The Joker 51% Lex Luthor 51% Green Goblin 47% Poison Ivy 38% Riddler 35% Mystique 31% Two-Face 27% Your strength and determination are difficult to stop.
Click here to take the Super Villain Personality Test

My Blog

raw rankings

..>Top Shw Raw Male DeadliftsNameFedAmount1. James SearcySPF8102. Beau MooreUSAPL7663.  NicholsWNPF745..>...
Posted by Dean aka Big Poppa Pull on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 10:55:00 PST

thursday night deadlifts

225 for 2 sets of 5 deads. 335 for 2 sets of 3. 455 for 3. 565 for 1. 635for 1. 705 for one easy pull. work sets 555 for 4 sets of 3 reps. Bent over rows 315 for 2 sets of 5 reps, 405 for 1 set of 5 r...
Posted by Dean aka Big Poppa Pull on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 10:44:00 PST


..> ..> Top Shw Raw Male Deadlifts Name Fed Amount 1. Beau Moore USAPL 760 2.  Nichols WNPF 730 3. John Conner NASA 705..>..>...
Posted by Dean aka Big Poppa Pull on Wed, 23 May 2007 05:40:00 PST

wnpf powerlifting

Dean Nichols of South Carolina deadlifted 735 pounds raw at the WNPF South Carolina Championships held Sunday in Greenville, South Carolina. That's the second highest raw deadlift in America this year...
Posted by Dean aka Big Poppa Pull on Mon, 07 May 2007 01:17:00 PST

wnpf powerlifting meet furman u sc state championships

First deadlift attempt 645 lbs extremely easy. Attempt number two 705 easier than 645. Attempt number three 730 new sc deadlift record was so easy I could have pulled 760 plus. All this done completel...
Posted by Dean aka Big Poppa Pull on Mon, 07 May 2007 10:05:00 PST

Top Shw Raw Male Deadlifts

..> Top Shw Raw Male Deadlifts Name Fed Amount 1. Beau Moore USAPL 760 2. John Conner NASA 705 3. Vincent Eldridge APF 700..>On my list....
Posted by Dean aka Big Poppa Pull on Tue, 01 May 2007 10:29:00 PST


720 deadlift, 1200lb rack lockouts without straps,605 stifflegged deadlifts
Posted by Dean aka Big Poppa Pull on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 06:29:00 PST

Dean's deadlift hell night

Strong 710 deadlift pull on final set. Soon after did bent rows 5 sets with the last being 455 for 5 reps. By the way all sets were raw
Posted by Dean aka Big Poppa Pull on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 08:18:00 PST