About Me
created by A.C. Ellison
It all started in the bathroom of an apartment that had once housed the early players in the Toronto Punk Rock scene. Megan Hamilton and award-winning sound designer Mark Vogelsang decided to lay down some songs, and spent a frosty January day recording music and telling jokes. The results would become Megan's first demo and the experience fostered a working relationship that continues to flourish.
Megan and Mark next set up in the old Feudal Hall in Saskatchwan. Amongst the prairie grass, the smell of sage, full moons and coyotes howling in the fields, they were fuelled by coffee, bourbon and granola bars. Crickets, trucks, dog-panting, feet slapping on the floor – all of the noises one would expect to hear in an old hall in the middle of the prairie can be found layered in the songs, if you listen closely, on Feudal Ladies Club, Megan’s first album.
Mark and Megan headed back to the prairie, this time in a church, and created how we think about light, a six-song EP. Both albums are on the Familiar Music label which Megan founded with Shelby Lamb ( The Shelby Lamb Band ), Steve Puchalski ( Deromantic ) and Gary Peter ( These Electric Lives , Products of Better Living ).
Solo or with the band, Megan has played all over Ontario, Quebec and all of the Eastern provinces, as well as Kentucky, Alabama and Texas, sharing the stage with many amazing bands. The Volunteer Canola are recently returned from dates with Deromantic on the STEEL LION BURNING TRAIN tour.
Exclaim!, Amanda Ash
"Hamilton has a natural knack for tying in the airy, experimental side of folk music with a touch of psychedelic rock, a mix that wrangles in any listener that crosses the Toronto-based artist’s path."
i (heart) music
"...it's definitely something you need to hear if you haven't already."
Metro (Toronto)
* * * *
"Echoing vocals and splashes of electric guitar create a tripy ’60s pop sound that is both captivating and narcotic."
Chromewaves , Frank Yang
" It picks up where the full-length left off, with its woozily playful countryisms and heads off to a more high, lonesome and autumnal place with some new production tricks (My Morning Jacket called - they want their reverb back) and even some rock attitude in tow."
Indie Folk Forever
"I've been playing it on repeat for a few days running."
My Blog
Thoughts on the state of music - interaction welcomed!!
I've been thinking a lot about things like record sales and concert attendance and prices and t-shirts and licensing and marketing and blalaskdfjasldkfjaslfja Well, I was. I was thinking a...
Posted by Megan Hamilton & The Volunteer Canola on Sun, 20 Jul 2008 10:20:00 PST
Prophecy used in iRepair.ca ad campaign
iRepair.ca is a an iPod repair place with 2 locations in Toronto (one is on College), and Vancouver. Check out their ad campaign:
Prophecy is from the Feudal Ladies Club album available...
Posted by Megan Hamilton & The Volunteer Canola on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 12:46:00 PST
End of tour, thank you, and a little bit of whats going on
dear friends,to all of you who came out to see us on our recent bout of spring dates, thank you so much. we really did have fun and love to play in new cities, and visit friends in cities we've ...
Posted by Megan Hamilton & The Volunteer Canola on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 02:32:00 PST
Ottawa Sun Interview
I guess the original link doesn't work anymore, so here's the interview: The Ottawa Sun/The Scene/Music/By Allan Wigney Wednesday, April 23, 2008 "Our roots are pretty deeply planted ...
Posted by Megan Hamilton & The Volunteer Canola on Tue, 13 May 2008 01:22:00 PST
Wolves, Hawks and Kites show review
i love wolves, hawks and kites. it’s a lovely blog and helps promote the terrific www.zunior.com - a great place to download your favourite records - they even have high-res versions, and ...
Posted by Megan Hamilton & The Volunteer Canola on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 08:19:00 PST
STEEL LION BURNING TRAIN tour starts this week!
heeeeeey ontario, we kick off this spring tour on friday at rancho for two way monologues. after that we’re hitting a bunch of cities, maybe even yours. tour dates keep being added, ...
Posted by Megan Hamilton & The Volunteer Canola on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 04:41:00 PST
Wavelength Zine!
Posted by Megan Hamilton & The Volunteer Canola on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 08:01:00 PST
Facebook Group
If you happen to prefer the merits of Facebook?...
Posted by Megan Hamilton & The Volunteer Canola on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 07:53:00 PST
Kitchener-Waterloo Record Article
Posted by Megan Hamilton & The Volunteer Canola on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 12:57:00 PST
Wolves, Hawks and Kites: Spotlight
click, clack
Posted by Megan Hamilton & The Volunteer Canola on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 04:56:00 PST