I like to watch Football,Hockey and other sports.Concerts,movies,and other fun activities.Ask for more.
Well if I had more people to meet,or want to meet.Its going to be one long ass list.I think we all live in a small world and we end up meeting each other some time or the other.I have so many tales about the people Ive met.Some good...Some bad...I am always ready to meet new friends and people.The Prince of Circumstance they call me at times.Like as up above..Just ask and we shall chat for a time..
Well to start off...Like you cant tell that Metal is my ultra passion.I will defend this genre of music until my untimely demise.It has pulled me through some times.But also there is Elvis..No other..Was not for him we wouldn't have expression in what kind of music you so choose.But so hate new country,and (c)rap..it handicaps the mind from all sort of abilities in people.(my opinion).Classic rock to the oldies also ranks high for me.Want to know more ask me.. CrAzYkEnS MySpAcE sTuFF
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People always ask how can you watch those kind of movies???With my eyes open.I'm talking horror baby.Been a fan since seeing the old B&W Dracula,Wolf man,Frankenstein...You get the picture.I also like funny ass ones,with crude and dry humor.80s action flicks always works for me too.i will admit some sappy chick flicks have gotton my attention.And forgot the cheesy Elvis ones too....
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I am not a big TV watching fool.But the old reruns of the day work for me....
Bookworm is a phrase that has been labeled for me for years.Horror,Fantasy,Biographies,History,..Another long ass list to put down.. www.CrAzYkEnS.com
The real heroes are the ones that gave there lives and parts in the tragic day.9/11/01.And ones who take care of themselves and the people around them.Ask me for more..
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