BlackSoultan aka BigDummy profile picture

BlackSoultan aka BigDummy infinitum

About Me

I'm an artist from everywhere and nowhere and that will never change. No matter where I go, no matter where my life takes me, I will always be BlackSoultan; I will always be an artist. As for my music and my strides in the game, I have done a lot of recording in the past few years and a few notable collabos including CP, Flawliss, Skribble Jam Champion NoCanDo, the west coast Legend Aceyalone, Trenseta and up-and-coming superproducer Soleternity (Young Buck, Bone Crusher, Lil Scrapy,Bizzy Bone)... The first album (available for download on this site on my snocap store) was recorded innitially in the Bahamas with what is now known as Steriotypez Music. The album was completely redone with Soleternity in L.A. shortly thereafter due to contractual issues, though some of my hometown homegrown music survived, such as License Plates feat. Ovadose and Problematic. Recently, License Plates was prominently featured in the film "I'm Through With White Girls" which has been gaining recognition in film festivals worldwide such as the Hollywood Black Film Festival and the famed Cannes film festival in France. I've performed all over L.A. with the likes of Trenseta, Madam Brown, X-Clan, Slick Rick, Medusa and Flawliss Victory. At present, the next album is finna drop. The second album is called NUCLEAR WINTER and features even more production by -- you guessed it -- Soleternity! He is accompanied by some Project Blowed regulars like Mr. Dibiase (They Don't Move Me) and Maestroe the Madmonk (Beautiful), and Muling Productions (Final Sin). I'm making sure the album is on everyone's desk. I was going to shop it, but something even bigger is in the works (isn't it always?) STTS in the building.
Do I want to be an artist? I have no choice. Am I pursuing it? I wasn't, but as time went on and my shows and music went farther than I thought it ever would, I have no other choice but to put energy behind it. After a while, I realized my music is all I am.
Because I made my music all that I am

My Interests


Member Since: 5/3/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: BlackSoultan (emcee/exec. producer) Anomelee (the other half of California Soul) Soleternity, Maestro the Madmonk, Prolific, Diabolic, Muling (featured producers) NoCanDo, CP, Flawliss (collaborators) (recording and mixing engineer)
Influences: Life, Love, Loss, Pain, Wisdom, Project Blowed, S. Central L.A., Sol beats, Common, Kanye, Boots Riley, Tribe, the year 1989 and KRS.
Sounds Like: I sound like whomever you willin' to pay me to write for! LOL
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Words of a "Scary Slave": How can we be so ethnically cleansed in 2007 America?

In a recent blog, a friend of mine's wife comments on how after a rally, she and her husband (an old college buddy of mine from Morehouse) stopped in at The Cheasecake factory. Both have twists (read:...
Posted by BlackSoultan aka BigDummy on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 08:23:00 PST

Really? Yall white folks expect me to believe yall aint know. ..> ..> White Americans Underestimate the Cost of Being Black Newswise  How much do white Americans think it "costs" to be black in our society, given the problem...
Posted by BlackSoultan aka BigDummy on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 10:56:00 PST

June Beat Battle Pics etc. @ the Blowed

Posted by BlackSoultan aka BigDummy on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 01:24:00 PST

PAY ATTENTION! Watch and observe...

We need to stop generalizing rappers. Let me post an exchange that occured in my message box from a guy in studio city: ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Brad Alexander Date: ...
Posted by BlackSoultan aka BigDummy on Sat, 19 May 2007 01:04:00 PST

It Finally Happened! I am on IMDB!!!

I'm a super starra! ...
Posted by BlackSoultan aka BigDummy on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 06:52:00 PST

The Virginia Tech song - Final Sin AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD!

  Buy the song "Final Sin" here...   *NB: This video was not made in any way to promote off of the tradgedy of Virginia Tech. Honestly, anyone who thinks so is a moron...
Posted by BlackSoultan aka BigDummy on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 10:37:00 PST

"Al Sharpton shouldn't have made this a national news story!" Really?

I don't know if I missed something, but I've been making a lot of video blogs at specifically about Al Sharpton's involvement with this Imus in the Morning thing. In one v...
Posted by BlackSoultan aka BigDummy on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 01:29:00 PST

I've always WANTED to be on!

I almost feel like a celebrity. A movie made by Turn Soul Films called "I'm Through With White Girls: The Inevitable Undoing of Jay Brooks" is making its rounds on the film festival circuit. It's a wo...
Posted by BlackSoultan aka BigDummy on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 06:50:00 PST

nother one of them surveys...

Name:BlackSoultanBirthdate:October 21Birthplace:San FranciscoCurrent Location:Southern CaliEye Color:BrownHair Color:bald, but it would be black.Height:5'9"Weight:140 or so? Piercings:ear.Tatoos:None ...
Posted by BlackSoultan aka BigDummy on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 05:16:00 PST

Check out this video: From Imus to Eminem: What's in a slur?

From Imus to Eminem: What's in a slur? Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by BlackSoultan aka BigDummy on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 03:40:00 PST