SEIU United Healthcare Workers - West (UHW) was formed on January 1, 2005 after the members of Local 250 in Northern California and Local 399 in Southern California overwhelmingly voted to unify. Our 140,000 members work in every facet of the healthcare industry, including hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and homecare.
United To Win
More than ever before, healthcare workers have come to see unionizing as a way to achieve an effective voice to improve their jobs and the quality of care they provide to their patients. UHW prides itself on being not only the fastest growing union in the nation, but we are also the largest and most powerful healthcare union west of the Mississippi, surpassed only by SEIU 1199 in New York on the east coast.
A Vision For The Future
UHW has a clear and definitive vision for reforming the healthcare system throughout the state of California and beyond. Backed by formidable resources and a high level of member involvement, we are poised to continue to win notable gains for our members the general public who depend upon our healthcare workers for quality medical care.