Carl Brutananadilewski profile picture

Carl Brutananadilewski

Look at all the hotties in my extended network! Friggin Awesome!!!!

About Me


My Interests

Car mags, Porn mags, my giant TV, dvd porn, the Giants, Downloadin porn, my car 2 Wycked (just added leapord pleather, stain resistant) Partying Hearty, my pool, Rockin Out, not working



I have over 3000 movies on VHS and DVD so it’s hard to pick. They’re like your children. But I do have a special place for my first one, RAMBLOW: FIRST BLONDE. And also Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters(tm) which I’m star in. Yeah, I’m a movie star. Whatever. Oh, yeah. They're making me put this in:
ADULT SWIM, AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE, the logos, and all related characters and elements are TM and (c) 2007 Cartoon Network.

My Blog

Hey all you FOCs out there!!!

FOC stands for Friends of Carl as if I gotta tell you that. If you don't know already then you may be a jackass that don't need to know cause we don't want your kind screwing up our social network. Al...
Posted by Carl Brutananadilewski on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 12:33:00 PST


I writer to you with heavy heart and sadness onn this day of serious longing. Turns out that the wax place screwed me over BIG TIME!!! I was gonna splurge and get the laser hair removal, but I figure ...
Posted by Carl Brutananadilewski on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 07:59:00 PST


I checked the first three pages of the newspaper and I ain't in it. So then I check the last three pages. Not there neither. And I ain't happy about that. So then I flip to the movie page. The Raping...
Posted by Carl Brutananadilewski on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 08:02:00 PST


I'm good at these movie interviews. I just did my first one about the movie an hour ago. Dude wanted to know how much I made, my religion, how many dependents, the whole nine. Also wanted to know how ...
Posted by Carl Brutananadilewski on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 08:01:00 PST


I have had some issues recently regarding my hairy feet. I am told I will not be allowed in the theatre with open toed shoes. Certain gentlemen's clubs won't let me go with the flip-flops, so I ke...
Posted by Carl Brutananadilewski on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 03:06:00 PST


I don't care if they are in the military. I hope VCU all get herpes of the face. Dumbass friggin hits a jumper with 1.8 seconds. Bullcrap!!! The Dukies were supposed to roll!!!! That frigging wasn't s...
Posted by Carl Brutananadilewski on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 07:22:00 PST


Unbelievable!!! No bid for Syracuse this year!!! Jim Bayheim and the Orangemen got screwed ROYALLY!!!! They won more games than they lost!! It was a tough conference!!! They beat plenty of teams that ...
Posted by Carl Brutananadilewski on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 07:19:00 PST


Yeah, I'm gonna go to a prarie in the middle of the desert and listen to a bunch of chanting and someone smashing a wind chime over his head and calling that music???? No thank you. I got plenty tunes...
Posted by Carl Brutananadilewski on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 07:18:00 PST

The Academy Awards

My storyy about Oscar ain't "topical enough" or "interesting". Apparentlydouchebags filled with vinegar like to read about dumbass gay movies and notmentally challenged people with amazing skills. So ...
Posted by Carl Brutananadilewski on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 03:29:00 PST

The Oscars

I worked with a guy named Oscar at the styrofoam packing plant. Way backbefore I was an entropanuing for a living. Dude was slow in the head,couldn't keep the peanut sizes straight. But he could pound...
Posted by Carl Brutananadilewski on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 07:15:00 PST