Herman Munster profile picture

Herman Munster

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I have edited my layout at Crazyprofile.comI don't like to brag but...Size 26C shoe; seven-foot-three frame; one brown eye and one chartreuse; steel bolts neck; green complexion; ears do not match; lantern jaw; five-inch-long, lightning-bolt shaped beauty mark on forehead.

I like telling juvenile jokes ("I just invented something to keep the inside of my car quiet. It fits right over her mouth." Or "My family is in the iron and steel business. My mother irons and my father steals.")

I was born...or should I say made in Germany in a laboratory built by a Dr. Frankenstein, whose hobby was putting together do-it-yourself people kits. As for my education I matriculated at Heidelberg University Medical School for six years-in several different jars. I left Germany at an early age and was adopted in England by a family named Munster.

Click to zoom in on my visitor map!

My Interests


Grandpa wanting to be macho takes our car to the dragstrip ..

Here is one of Grandpa's hair brained schemes that almost backfired...I warned him about those cigars! ..

I'd like to meet:

All my extended relatives..now I just have to find the time to dig them up.....

Some Photos From The Family Album
Our Portrait From Coney Island
Our First Date
Lily Having Me Taste Test Her Eye of Newt Soup
Our Family Band "The Crypt Kicker Four"


Pat Boone albums (enrolled in fan club.)

Here is one during my wild and crazy days...Lilly just hated it. ..

I really want to take the road like Pat Boone, maybe with my ability I can get on American Idol! ..


Huckleberry Hound


Dr. Frankenstein