Words of LIFE
WHO SAYS WE CANT ALL BE SUPER HEROES?"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm"What do we do, when theres no surfing!?...go surfing:) There is ALWAYS a way
Dynamite Surfing
Uploaded by hourigan EMOTIONAL:
1: True success in life requires that you embody emotional balance. Just like with physical fitness, you need a disciplined regimen to achieve emotional strength. Be accountable for your happiness by utilizing strategies pioneered to seize control of your emotions.CAREER:
2. Do you feel unfulfilled at work? Is there something preventing you from advancement? It’s time to step up and boldly pursue your dreams of a financially and personally satisfying career.FAMILY:
What is keeping you from increased intimacy with your loved ones? You can achieve the closeness that you desire and deserve. Renew your commitment to a family life filled with true love and understanding.FINANCIAL:
4.Now is the time to start planning for your future. Everyone wants to achieve financial independence, but most do not possess the discipline and vision to get there. You need a concrete, realistic plan for financial freedom. Learn how to safeguard your investments, gain global vision and discover alternative strategies for creating and protecting your wealth.PHYSICAL:
Are you satisfied with your body? Do you ever experience feelings of sluggishness? Make a commitment to yourself to sculpt the body you desire. Passion, energy and success in your life require a body that is vibrant and nourished.
6.Dedicate yourself to discovering the infinite riches of a truly spiritual life. Take a journey towards genuine fulfillment by making a positive impact in the world. Learn the joy of true satisfaction through focus and sacrifice.If you are committed to working toward attaining the life of your dreams, one
that binds achievement and fulfillment into one powerful force, you can trust
that we are committed to providing you with all the tools necessary to help
get you there.
"The only true security in life comes from knowing that every single day you are improving yourself in some way."----- Anthony Robbins -----ANTHONY ROBBINS LIFE ON YOUR TERMS
"One decision can change your life forever"
If you don’t go – You wont know
Life is to short, to not risk and not to dare.
Because is not NOW then WHEN? And if NOT HERE, THEN WHERE?
People go through life wondering what might have happened if they just dared to have followed the dreams they had. Instead of having the knowledge and experiences from the dreams the put into ACTION. Think about what you risk by not doing anything VS doing what you think, when you are capable of doing it. You risk even more by NOT DOING, than BY DOING.
Step out of “what you use to do†because if you do what you always did, you’ll achieve what you always did. Why not achieve MORE and get richer. Get HIGH ON LIFE, HIGH LIVING, it might be an old used term, but you only have this one chance…called LIFE AND NOW.
Do not be afraid of failure. Because who decides if you failed!? Or if you won or lost a game? It’s only YOU who know if you won or loss right!! If you did put ALL of you into what you wanted, you still won, even if you lost the “battleâ€, and got out even more knowledge and strong on the other side, to the next “battleâ€
So awaken that GIANT WITHIN….
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing1: Decide to develop a habit of focusing of what is right in your life instead of what is wrong. Go on a metal diet
2: Noticing of what you DO HAVE INSTEAD OF WHAT YOU DON’T HAVE
3: What’s great about a situation VS what’s not great
4: Solution instead of problems
5: Instead of judging yourself and others, decide to become curious instead of judgemental
If you start judging other people, you start judging yourself. Perceive more judge less…
6: Don’t be afraid of believing in others and yourself. Don’t loose the power of positive thinking
7: Develop the hap pit of giving compliments
8: Decide right now to find something to appreciate from any seemingly negative situation or person
9: Decide what you want and make it happen
10: Don’t try to be perfect, cause you’ll never success
11: Decide to develop the habit of using the F…word..FAITH. And have to courage to use itI would LOVE for you, to share with me how YOU took GIANT steps in your life, how you went from thinking TO DOING. And shaped your desterny and life, just by taking action. Or what your new goal(s) in life is, and how you are going to attemp it. "ACTION, IS EVERY THOUGHS BIGGEST FEAR":-)
THE POWER OF LIFE1: People who reached goals, by doing and by following there true believes. And want to share it we me and my networking.
2: Lovely people who knows how to help others in need. And want..s to share how they do it, and how other people like WE can follow the great steps of making this world a better place. PAY IT FORWARD
3. People who wants to share stories about how they went from a big gab or whole in they..re life, but succeeded to klimb a personal mountain of challange
4. People who have great ideas how to help others, yourselves or need a windblow in a right direction them selves.
I'd like to meet:
Five steps to wisdom:Practice Silence
Listen deeply
Practice by interacting with many
Teach othersListen closely and you can hear them...
the great spirits of every tribe
the ones who were here before us
Listen to what they are saying
There is one who calls himself Gandhi
and another who calls himself King
They know that the way is not easy
There is a woman named Teresa
and many who are simply known as
Grandmothers and Grandfathers
and all of them whisper into our ear...
'Don't give up' they tell us...
'Don't become cynical...'
'Take one more step...'
'There is a reason...'How much easier is it to accomplish a goal once you’ve taken those first steps and created some momentum? Just think about the little things—like the last time you tackled a project around the house or sorted through paperwork you’d been putting aside.Or maybe it was something bigger, like committing to run a marathon. Once you reached that crucial milestone in your training, it didn’t seem nearly as impossible as it once had, right?Once you create momentum, things that initially appeared tedious or difficult will seem easy.Shape Your Words, Transform Your Experience
Have you ever noticed that sometimes two people describe the same experience—positive or negative—in two completely different ways? Maybe you remarked about a “nice†sunset while your spouse called the natural wonder “breathtaking.†Or perhaps one of your colleagues “needed clarity†after a business presentation that left another “very frustrated.â€While it can make sense for us to brush off these differences as mere preferences in vocabulary, it’s actually something much more powerful—a simple distinction that can forever improve the quality of your life! Consider: People tend to experience the exact same sensations differently in their bodies simply by virtue of the different labels they put on the experience. Simply put, the words that we attach to any experience become our experience.Human beings are continually taking in a variety of sensations, all of which must be funneled through the brain and given some sort of meaning. Because we use words to communicate not only with other people but also with ourselves, the words and meaning we attach to any given experience becomes our reality, regardless of whether it’s objectively accurate or not.Imagine how your life would change if you were able to take all the negative emotions you ever felt and lower their intensity so they didn’t impact you as powerfully! Similarly, imagine what your life would be like if you could take your most positive emotions and multiply them tenfold.Just think of the people you know who frequently use words like “dynamic,†“exhilarating,†and “unstoppable†to describe positive experiences and compare them to others in your life who stick to safer words like “interesting,†“good†or “confident.†Which of these people lead richer, fuller lives? Generally, people with impoverished vocabularies live impoverished lives; people with richer vocabularies live richer lives.Simply by taking control of your habitual vocabulary, you can instantaneously change how you think, how you feel, and how you live.It..s ALL about inches....
Life is full of beautyful icey mountains, learn to climb them and grow with the challanges.
"Success without lasting fulfilment is failure"Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.
Commit to using a richer vocabulary in 2007! Start by writing down three words that you use on an ongoing basis to intensify your negative feelings or emotions. Then, come up with alternative words or phrases that have a lower intensity.EXAMPLES:
Old word: depressed
New words: a little down, frustratedOld word: overwhelmed
New words: in demand, full of opportunitiesNow, write down three words you use to describe your experiences in a positive way, and come up with three alternative words that amplify those positive feelings. Get a friend to ensure you follow through by having her pay attention and tell you, if necessary, something like, “Are you okay, or are you fantastic?â€EXAMPLES:
Old word: fine
New words: incredible, outrageous, outstandingOld word: cute
New words: delicious, gorgeous, unbelievable
LIFE IS MY TELEVISION, so I don..t own a 24" screen, but a WORLD life wide screen...does it get any better:-)"The best way to predict your future is to create it."
Books to read:“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.â€
And Joy is Everywhere;
It is in the Earth's green covering of grass;
In the blue serenity of the Sky;
In the reckless exuberance of Spring;
In the severe abstinence of gray Winter;
In the Living flesh that animates our bodily frame;
In the perfect poise of the Human figure, noble and upright;
In Living;
In the exercise of all our powers;
In the acquisition of Knowledge;
in fighting evils...
Joy is there Everywhere.
THIS IS THE GREAT HEROES OF MY LIFE:O)Lars Krogh Jeppesen. ÉN GANG GARDER - ALTID GARDER Af oberst Kim Kristensen, chef for den danske bataljon i Afghanistan: "Thorbjørn og Mikkel har betalt den ultimative pris. I en alt for ung alder, har de måtte lade deres liv i færd med at udføre det job, de var så dedikeret til, nemlig jobbet som professionel soldat. At bekæmpe Taleban, for derved at hjælpe den almindelige afghaner til et positivt og trygt liv, var den opgave som Thorbjørn og Mikkel var med til at løse i den urolige Helmand provins. Deres offer må ikke være forgæves, hvorfor den danske bataljon vil forsætte bekæmpelsen af Taleban, således at det arbejde, som Thorbjørn og Mikkel var en vigtig del af, kan fortsætte. Som far og som bror tænker jeg selv meget på de pårørende i denne ubærlige situation. Jeg ved, at Forsvaret vil give al den støtte I har behov for, som en lille lindring i den svære tid. Vi vil aldrig glemme Thorbjørn og Mikkel, og vi vil bevare mindet om to fantastiske kammerater." Vil altid tænke på jer, GARDER!.. "FØRSTE GANG HVER GANG"
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