Hi guys and gals! My name is Matt LaClear and I'm an
ordinary schmuck who happens to make a pretty decent living helping real estate
agents market themselves on Myspace. My wife and I and our six children live on
a beautiful piece of property just south of Lansing, Michigan in a rural farming
community. We have a very picturesque winding creek that runs alongside our 10
acres and my wife loves sitting out next to it reading and listening to it
babble and flow. I myself like walking the back of the property where I
regularly see deer, turkey, pheasant, coyotes, and a bunch of other critters
including very cool cranes that have a call that sounds just like a bugle. They
fly in pairs and you can hear them coming from about a mile away. They like
wading through the creek snagging whatever they can find to eat. Though we made
more money in 2006 than we did all of 2000-2005 combined we still drive a couple
of 1989 vehicles that run great. We just don't see the need to keep up with the
Joneses when we live in a pretty isolated community. I particularly like our
pool house because it gives me a place to work in solitude away from our brood
of children. I love the little snots but man they can sure disrupt my work. So I
go out and hide and return after a couple hours when my work for the day is
If you want to read a recent magazine article on me that was in the December
issue of Business 2.0 you can
click here . Otherwise
skip it!
If you want to check out a free manual I put together that fully explains 17
dynamic tactics you can use to harvest an abundance of leads ethically from
Myspace you can
click here .