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The Protector Santoloco

The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay

About Me

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Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true. (Napoleon Hill)It Is Impossible To Stop a Man Or Woman Who Will Not Quit.
(Mike Humes)The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.
(Helen Keller)
Another Year Is Quickly Coming To a Close...
And while many are warming up for a few rounds of Auld Lang Syne and contemplating their New Year's resolutions, you should plan for your achievements in the year to come!What will the next 12 months mean for you and your business or family? Will 2007 bring you great success? Will you reach the goals you've set for yourself? Will you reach the "wants, needs or desires" for the year to come? Will you earn the income you are looking to gain?Whatever your goals are for the coming year - no matter how lofty or unreachable they may seem to you right now - just remember, your great journey toward tomorrow starts with a single step today!Your first step to succeed in 2007 is to set your goals. And don't just think about them. WRITE THEM DOWN! Make them something tangible. Something you can touch, because if your goal is just in your head, it's still a dream. But write it down and it becomes an incredible possibility. It becomes your mission! And your mission for 2007 should be to become great and to become more successful! Best Wishes for the New Year ahead!

Click below for more inspiration
Get this video and more at Hello Everyone!Thanks for stopping by. I was born and raised in a small town in California. My nationality is Mexican, even though I've only been to Mexico once so far, I do plan to go back to visit. I met some family that I never knew I had in El D.F. My sign is Leo. I am a giver - Not a taker. I am honest, trustworthy, and affectionate. Even though I may not have the best spelling, I do work in a professional environment (with spell check) and I am considered ambitious, guapo (at least my family think so), I'm considerate, passionate and fun to be around. I stick up for what I believe in, and don't like to be or see my friends get taken advantage of...

My Interests

Fitness, Finance, Reading, Summertime, Being Spontaneous

I'd like to meet:

Looking for cool friends. I love to hang out with positive influences and those that build people up, rather than always complaining and being pessimistic. Before I forget, I saw some very famous people in here. It would be cool if they were legit. See if any are my friends. They could be yours too! Don't hesitate to send me a message. I look forward to meeting you! Don't forget to check out my links and pictures... Our Life is what our thoughts make it.

Visit TODAY!
What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the man can achieve.- Napoleon Hill


Hip Hop, Reggaeton, Top 40, and your basic club tunes...


After The Sunset, Romeo Must Die, Bruce Almighty, Rundown, and Enough come to mind...


Don't Watch Much - Maybe a Telenovela once in a while...


Robert Kiyosaki, John Maxwell, etc. Anything positive and uplifting. I'm a true entrepreneur and love to feed my mind and my body of course! Seafood anyone???


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