Fitness, Finance, Reading, Summertime, Being Spontaneous
Looking for cool friends. I love to hang out with positive influences and those that build people up, rather than always complaining and being pessimistic. Before I forget, I saw some very famous people in here. It would be cool if they were legit. See if any are my friends. They could be yours too! Don't hesitate to send me a message. I look forward to meeting you! Don't forget to check out my links and pictures... Our Life is what our thoughts make it.
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What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the man can achieve.- Napoleon Hill
Hip Hop, Reggaeton, Top 40, and your basic club tunes...
After The Sunset, Romeo Must Die, Bruce Almighty, Rundown, and Enough come to mind...
Don't Watch Much - Maybe a Telenovela once in a while...
Robert Kiyosaki, John Maxwell, etc. Anything positive and uplifting. I'm a true entrepreneur and love to feed my mind and my body of course! Seafood anyone???
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