Amy profile picture


Surround Yourself With People Who Respect And Treat You Well

About Me

I'm hoping to reach others with similar interests. I absolutely adore the 1860's thru the 1950's! I am especially fond of the 20's and 30's! There was, in general, a class and elegance we no longer possess, or care to possess. We never left the house without our hats and gloves. We had better manners. We lived in a smaller world, without television, video games, and the need to work 24-7 to pay for all those things we really would be better off without(I do admit, it's pretty cool that the internet makes Myspace possible!) I tend to get a little whiney and depressive from time to time, so just let me vent, it'll pass...

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My Interests

Music, antiques, decorating, getting a life, theatre, movies, art, history, vintage clothing [my dream job would be working in a museum with antique clothing]especially 1900's thru the 40's, and I love a GOOD cup of tea [not the tea bag sludge!] and aspire to own my own tearoom one day. Civil War, but in all honesty, I don't get into the battle history as much as the fashion of the time! Ghosts and ghost stories! Old cemeteries, people other people consider strange, flea markets and thrift stores. Old photographs of people I don't know(Especially ladies in hats!) Harrison Fisher, Maxfield Parrish, Louis Icart, Louise Brooks, Old, dusty, junky antique shops. Pretty, shiny, clean antique shops. Antique malls... My grandparents, Ansel and Freda, on their wedding day in 1925 The perfect home for my dream tearoom!


Melissa Manchester [only her 70's stuff], James Taylor, Linda Ronstadt,some country, some classical, some celtic, some broadway, 20's jazz, 30's and 40's big bands. 60's oldies. Billie Holiday, Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra in the 50's & 60's... Very eclectic tastes in music, and ALWAYS open to discovering something new! And laugh if you will, but I LOVE The Carpenters! Catch me in the mood, and Karen Carpenter makes me tear up, her voice was so amazing!


Sense and Sensibility, the perfect rainy-day movie. Love old black and whites! Somewhere in Time, The Unsinkable Molly Brown, Kitty Foyle, Songcatcher, Gone with the Wind, Penny Serenade, any James Stewart movie, old musicals, screwball comedies. ANY Gene Kelly movie(I have a crush on a dead guy!) Oh! and I have a fixation with Colin Firth! What a man! .. "Ball Of Fire" With Barbara Stanwyck & Gary Cooper, and "P&P" with Colin Firth. It doesn't get much better than that!


ER [a fan since the beginning], big PBS viewer [love that Antiques Roadshow], pretty much anything history, and I DO NOT think it's the end of the world if I don't have cable!


I admit it, I like a good smutty romance novel,especially historicals, as long as the charactors are well-developed, and the story line is not TOO unbelievable! One of my all-time favorite OLD books is 'Shepherd of the Hills' by Harold Bell Wright, it was written in 1907, and I could read it over and over.. I collect old hard backs with covers and /or illustrations by Harrison Fisher... Harrison Fisher and tea...two of my favorite things. Was there really ever a time this elegant?


All the brave souls who live each day as if it were the last.

My Blog

Mrs. Jolly's Son?

This is a grave I found in a cemetary about 15 miles from where I grew up. The house I lived in as a child was built by Murray Jolly in 1870. This man was born in 1877. Could be this is the son of our...
Posted by Amy on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 05:29:00 PST

Good Day

I had the best day today! Went to the Cincinnati Art Museum to bug them about hiring me. Met a nice curator there who gave me lots of info about going back to school for museum studies. Theeen walked ...
Posted by Amy on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 02:10:00 PST

I admit it...I have issues

You ever just go through those periods of time when you fell like your life is always gonna be crappy? Well, I'm in one of those right now. Have been for about a week now. I've made my life what it is...
Posted by Amy on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 04:22:00 PST

In A Rut

How exactly does one go about finding a career to be happy in? I have been in retail, or some sort of customer service, since I was 18 years old. I am sick of retail and customer service. I wish I cou...
Posted by Amy on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 04:07:00 PST

To Mrs. Jolly’s fans

I just found out a few weeks ago that the house I grew up in is being torn down (sniffle). I'm really bummed about it, but one of my first thoughts was "what will happen to Mrs. Jolly?". That question...
Posted by Amy on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 07:37:00 PST

You're It!

..>   Tagged again! TAGGED!! Here's how you play. Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 10 ...
Posted by Amy on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 05:48:00 PST

...Back to Mrs. Jolly

Well, it seems Mrs. Jolly, the ghost who always made me feel protected as a child, didn't care much for my brother's first wife. After my parents put our 1870 brick federal-style house on the mar...
Posted by Amy on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 09:51:00 PST

My Place In Family Lore

I have had a very special place in my family. A place I have not accepted over the years. A place I have decided to finally embrace with gusto. I have faught, denied, and run from my rightful place in...
Posted by Amy on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 06:00:00 PST

I Believe In Ghosts

Reading a Blog about a haunted house started me thinking about the wonderful ghost I grew up with. The house I lived in for the first fifteen years of my life was built in 1870, and it was DEFINITELY ...
Posted by Amy on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 12:27:00 PST