Member Since: 1/9/2007
Band Website: Inthecorner.wherethespideris/
Band Members: On guitars of all shapes and sizes - Me,
On Mandorin - Max Jaffa,
On Drums - Woody Sticks and Soft Brush Strokes,
On My Ukelele - One String,
On Kettle Drum - Murphy Richards,
On The Flying Trapeze - The Man,
On Golden Pond - Henry Fonda and Katherine Hepburn,
On Keyboards - Justice Fingers,
On Slide Guitar - Oily Dave Carter,
On Operatic Libretti - D'Oily Carte Raver,
On The Tip Of - My Tongue,
On Top Of The World - Si Tting,
On Double Bass - The Thompson Twins,
On Behalf Of Me and The Band - Thank You Very Kindly,YOU CAN ALL JOIN IN
Influences: Jimi Hendrix, J S Bach, Cuthert J. Twilley, Cream, Rufus T Firefly, Beatles, the school mistress in Mary Had A Little Lamb, Mrs. Claypool, Carl le Ffong, The man driving the bread van up the mountain in the background in El Cid, Joe Cocker, Dave Ellis, Guy Lombardo, Henreich Stubel, M M Max Headroom, Duane Allman, Pink Floyd, Captain Spalding the African Explorer, Alvar Lidell, Horace Batchelor, Otis P Driftwood, Stheno and Euryale (the other two Gorgons) Chris Duarte, Beatrice Reiner, The Thing, Brian May, Agent X20, Cosmo Kramer, Victor Lazlo, Sophia Lorens bra, 4 of the Greek Muses, Mahatma Kane Jeeves, Tinsley Ellis, Hugo Z Hackenbush, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Mason Verger and Cordell (how about a little cookie Cordell) Paracelsus, Professor Popkiss, Egbert Souse, Kaspar Guttman and Joel Cairo, Lydia the Tattooed Lady, Led Zeppelin, and almost anyone who can play guitar.
Sounds Like: The cacophanous crack of a headmasters cane callously catching the fat school boys' arse....THWACK.
The thump of the handle of a misguided rake as it slams into the unsuspecting nose on the random application of a carelessly heavy foot to the upturned prongs......BIFF.
The cascading clatter of the recently re-potted rubber plant accrimoniously nudged from the third story balcony landing fairly and squarely on the postmans' insouciant sconce...BLAT.
The watery flutter of dead budgerigars cast leisurely now from the bedroom window whence once they soared .......... MATRON! ...... perhaps just one more pill..
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None