ive been mcin for around 9 years but only really started taking it serious for around 5/6 years since as we tried to get sets on are own an no one would have us so we started our own sound called bblsound.with djs john..e bravo,jammin n daylee,nicky c mcs liebo,easty my self then a little while later we all got a bit of a break then we got other djs mcs like the badman trends currently rollin with nicky c aka digital era whom have just been signed by radical beats.anyway we all had the idea of bookin bigger djs from nicky blkmkt to mickey finn hype,andy c,skibba,shabba,fearless,det you know what im trying to get at.
then bbl sound went out the window we started a sound called expression then got the next load of artist involved like the female furnez lady blaze aka alys*blaze and before we new it we had a scene that was gettin a shout then things just snow balled from there and over the period of a few years we got to do solo things.now for me have to say i love reppin for oxford from my stables as kinetic we made a big impact on the whole scene(big up jan its all you man).and now were just at the point where most nights put on in the oxford and surrounding areas theres allways at least 1 of us who gets booked.this is just a little insight into not just me but what us as an oxford click helped create big up all my mans and gals which helped us do what we love doin most from kinetic,hitnrun,ox4,hq,source,breakfreeks,and feelthebass website cant forget u boys to all the radio links over the years most of all the people in ox lets keep it live you all know this big big love peace...
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