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Anarchist Collective


About Me

"I want to tell you about anarchism. I want to tell you what anarchism is, because I think it is well you should know it. Also because so little is known about it, and what is known is generally hearsay and mostly false. I want to tell you about it, because I believe that anarchism is the finest and biggest thing man has ever thought of; the only thing that can give you liberty and well-being, and bring peace and joy to the world. I want to tell you about it in such plain and simple language that there will be no misunderstanding it. Big words and high-sounding phrases serve only to confuse. Straight thinking means plain speaking. But before I tell you what anarchism is, I want to tell you what it is not. That is necessary because so much falsehood has been spread about anarchism. Even intelligent persons often have entirely wrong notions about it. Some people talk about anarchism without knowing a ting about it. And some lie about anarchism, because they don't want you to know the truth about it. Anarchism has many enemies; they won't tell you the truth about it. Why anarchism has enemies and who they are, you will see later, in the course of this story. Just now I can tell you that neither your political boss nor your employer, neither the capitalist nor the policeman will speak to you honestly about anarchism. Most of them know nothing about it, and all of them hate it. Their newspapers and publications- the capitalistic press- are all also against it. Even most socialists and Bolsheviks misrepresent anarchism. True, the majority of them don't know any better. But those who do know better also often lie about anarchism and speak of it as "disorder and chaos". You can see for yourself how dishonest they are in this: the greatest teachers of socialism- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels- had taught that anarchism would come from Socialism. They said that we must first have socialism, but that atfer socialism there would be anarchism, and that it would be a freer and more beautiful condition of society to live in than socialism. Yet the socialists, who swear by Marx and Engels, insist on calling anarchism "chaos and disorder," which shows you how ignorant and dishonest they are. The Bolsheviks do the same, although their greatest teacher, Lenin, had said that anarchism would follow Bolshevism, and that then it will be better and freer to live. Therefore I must tell you, first of all, what anarchism is not. It is not bombs, disorder or chaos. It is not robbery and murder. It is not war of each against all. It is not a return of barbarism or to the wild state of man. Anarchism is the very opposite of all that. Anarchism means that you should be free; that no one should enslave you, boss you, rob you, or impose upon you. It means that you should be free to do things you want to do; and that you should not be compelled to do what you don't want to do. It means that you should have a chance to choose the kind of life you want to live, and live it without anybody interfering. It means that the next fellow should have the same freedom as you; that everyone should have the same rights and liberties. It means that all men are brothers and all women are sisters, and that they should live like brothers and sisters, in peace and harmony. That is to say, that there should be no war, no violence by one set of men against another, no monopoly, and no poverty, no oppression, no taking advantage of your fellow man. In short, anarchism means a condition of society where all men and women are free, and where all enjoy equally the benefits of an ordered and sensible life. "Can that be?" you ask; "and how?" "Not before we all become angels," your friend remarks. Well, let us talk it over. Maybe I can show you that we can be decent and live as decent folks without throwing things."
"When you're putting forward the idea of revolution you have a responsibility to build in from the very beginning the realization that no revolution can take place successfully with out an armed confrontation with the State. The imperialist power will fight as long as it can with the most technological weapons that it has, and we feel that pacisfism and non-violence become an excuse for not struggling in what we feel is a humans obligation in this world to bring about revolutionary change and to destroy the imperialist system."
Freedom is existence without coercion, exploitation, and domination. For some this means to live in a society and community with absolutely no government. For others it means creating a life without both the state and capitalism, in which human affairs are directed by all people equally. Also, As free people we can, should, and will govern ourselves through direct democratic processes in our communities and workplaces. We will organize in both the workplace and community and efforts to bring about social change. We recognize the many different kinds of anarchism and that not everyone believes in the traditional thought of bringing about revolution through violence, but rather favor other strategies for obtaining liberation. Being this, we also favor the non-violent anarchist who participate in militant direct action and disobedience, while simultaneously building non-hierarchial and self-managing organizations that will bring revolution and an end to capitalism from the bottom up rather than the top down.

Anarchist FAQ
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Info Shop

My Interests

"Anarchism, Autonomy, Stateless Socialism, Liberation, Revolution
You have the emergence in human society of this thing that's called the State. What is the State? The State is this organized bureaucracy. It is the police department. It is the Army, the Navy. It is the prison system, the courts, and what have you. This is the State -- it is a repressive organization. But the state -- and gee, well, you know, you've got to have the police, because if there were no police, look at what you'd be doing to yourselves -- you'd be killing each other if there were no police! But the reality is the police become necessary in human society only at that junction in human society where it is split between those who have and those who ain't got." - Dead Prez

I'd like to meet:

We are here to educate and network anarchist globally. Please think before you send messages that make you look like an idiot.


It is important in the community that we develop organizations which, while always ingaging in educational activities, also develops federations of groups which can begin to replace the current capitalist structures. These groups or collectives might begin with projects like media, alternative schools, libraries, cultural centers, and organic food production. Current examples of this approach are numerous and include Food Not Bombs, Micro-radio stations, and the numerous info shops. Such a reconstructive approach both challenges the existing system even as it brings forth a new.

My Blog

a fake!!

someone has created and cloned(somewhat) this myspace....this is just to inform everyone that they are a fake ...
Posted by Anarchist Collective on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 03:07:00 PST

Activist Protest Rising Gas Prices Through Cross Country Bike Ride

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Activists Protest Rising Gas Prices Through Cross Country Bike Ride. Contact: Paul J. Comeau Phone: (401) 374-9436 (cell) (except Tues & Thurs 11-6:30) Alternate Phone Number...
Posted by Anarchist Collective on Sun, 14 May 2006 12:49:00 PST


Courtesy of MNN Mohawk Nation News [email protected] and Resistant Culture ALERT! ALERT! OPP INVADES SIX NATIONS - AIDED BY INDIAN TRAITORS - GO AND WITNESS - Thursday, April 20th 2006. WATCH FO...
Posted by Anarchist Collective on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 09:23:00 PST

free DIY maps

Here are some things to check out: (Please add your story)
Posted by Anarchist Collective on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 12:55:00 PST

what do you think.. gas war?

From: Bottled violence Date: Apr 6, 2006 4:13 PM Flag spam/abuse. [ ? ]Subject: Gas WarBody: GAS WAR - an idea that WILL work This was originally sent by a retired Coca Cola executive. It came fro...
Posted by Anarchist Collective on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 12:47:00 PST

Womens Rights are Disappearing
Posted by Anarchist Collective on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 11:15:00 PST

What do anarchist do?

This information is located here, . I find it can be very helpful for some. ------------------------------------------------------ When people fear the government,...
Posted by Anarchist Collective on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 10:52:00 PST


"WAL-MART WELFARE"Americans love clear highways and are willing to pay billions of dollars for the chance that they might one day see what one looks like. Congress has done their best to bring this dr...
Posted by Anarchist Collective on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 02:12:00 PST

National Conference on Organized Resistance Feb. 3-5 2006 in DC

Washington, DC - National Conference on Organized Resistance (NCOR)February 3-5, 2006 NCOR is an annual event that brings together activists from a variety of issues, struggles, ideologies and ...
Posted by Anarchist Collective on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 02:09:00 PST

We are pathetic?

From: Å Date: Jan 11, 2006 2:32 PM                             &...
Posted by Anarchist Collective on Fri, 13 Jan 2006 05:33:00 PST