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Questing, melee combat, casting spells, drinking all manner of intoxicating libations, playing my elvin lute, solving puzzles and riddles, encounters with creatures beautiful and grotesque, gaining levels, etc...
I would like to meet fighters, magic-users, thieves, and clerics if they are of a compatable alignment. I would also like to meet other elves, female ones interest me in particular. I am also fond of hobbits, oh they are such delightful little folks! I enjoy the company of medieval and fantasy folks of all sorts, really. Anyone who continues to utilize their imagination even though they be grown.
I enjoy music of all sorts, from the tranquil and soothing ballads that remind me of my home beyond the twilit realm, to the raucous and loud symphonies that inspire one to great deeds in battle; from the joyous to the melancholy as my mood strikes.
Mostly I read my spell books to memorize spells for the day, but I like a good fantasy book as much as the next person, though where I come from they are found in the non-fiction section. Tolkien, Moorcock, Vance, Lieber, Howard, Smith, Anderson, Harrison, etc...
Elrond, Elric, Scafloc, Legolas, Galadrial, Mighty Keeblero, Cutter, Skywise, and Corellon Laretheon.