Fricka profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi there, If you're a gamer, you *might* already have met me or seen my store, OffLine. My gaming name is Fricka and I'm an admin on The Safehouse, a gaming community website, or you may have seen my articles, pictures, or video reports from there when I cover events such as E3, ComicCon or gaming conventions. I also run a gamer / geek shop ;)
OffLineTshirts started in 2001 and has been featured at gaming conventions, PC Gamer Magazine and on your favorite geeks.
Over 400 designs can be found in the shop. Unique stuff. Very specific game jokes. Bizarre Stuff. And general strangeness abound. Visit the website

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Geeks, gamers, code monkeys, artists, designers, social misfits, creative people of all types, shoppers and friends of the above. Two of my friends are featured in this OffLineTshirts video I put together...

My Blog

My XO Laptop related Videos

I've got a few videos up ranging from a "music video" to a "proof of concept" for getting internet access via my Treo. Check them out if you're a fellow XO owner or if you're curious about the "One La...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 22:34:00 GMT

Happy Pi Day!

3.1415....And Happy Birthday Albert Einstein!Also here's a coupon code to celebrate!Save $5 When You Spend $20 Or More! Use Coupon Code: DUSKYKNOWN (Expires: Mar 20, 2007)Buy something at OffL...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 15:39:00 GMT

OffLine OffLine blog - my visit to Google & More

Though I don't post much using the MySpace blog system I have been secretly keeping a geek/gaming/tech blog for my shop and moved it from Blogger to WordPress, it's not done in terms of styling but th...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 13:29:00 GMT

Tagworld Profile

I've made a Tagworld profile so if you're over there, add me too! It's a pretty neat system, much easier to customize your profile, plus you can add extra pages for whatever you want.http://www.tagwor...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 17:28:00 GMT

The Store

I tried to fill out the profile as if it were my store talking, so I attempted to make the birthday the date I opened shop, not my age, but it wouldn't let me put that "I" was less than 8 years old. I...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 13:36:00 GMT