fun, honest, non-drama girls & hot, honest, tattooed boys :) just kidding... i'm down to meet anyone... ..
i love my local (San Diego) music scene. you can find some of our bands on my friends page. pay special attention to Divided By Zero, The Accident Experiment, Unset, and FM Revolver... not only do they make beautiful music, they are all really great guys. what more can you ask for? i just recently discovered AFI. i feel like i've been living under a rock... how did i overlook them for soooo long? well, i'm sure making up for lost time. i'm totally hooked! not to mention, davey has secured his spot in my top five (even though i'm pretty sure i'm not his "type" so to speak). i gotta give a shout out to my roots... big hair bands! i love Motley Crue! i met tommy lee once, we took a picture together, and i keep it on my night stand. i love No Doubt, mostly because i think gwen stefani is the coolest chick ever. i love to bang my head to the HARD shit and dance around to the 80's shit. i have a wide range of musical taste, for instance... The Beatles... love them. i like other classic rock, Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, Jimmy, The Doors, Janis, Chicago (stoner rock that takes me back to high school daze). i've been known to shake my ass to some hip hop when the moment feels right. but i'll take banging my head over shakin my ass anyday! So thats all for now..... ..
i love all kinds of movies. too many to name... horror, comedy, action, drama, indy, lifetime ;) classics & not-so-classics. does my AFI dvd count as a movie??? (thanks gilly!) anyway... i love most anything that stars the f**king hottest man ever... Johnny Depp, or my future husband Vince Vaughn! there is nothing better on a sunday night then a good bbq & a great movie!!
TV is fun. for those of you who say "TV is a waste of time"... all i hear is "blah, blah, blah". i'm all about 24, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, The Office, and Family Guy. Ellen Degeneres is my favorite talk show (not to mention one of the funniest bitches ever). i have a guilty pleasure for Lifetime movies & 90210 reruns (i'm a nerd... i know). oh, i almost forgot... MXC... shame on me. that's gotta be the funniest thing on tv.
i like books, i just can't seem to find the time to read them. i'm sure i would like classics if i ever felt like reading that much. it's not that i can't find time... it's that i don't really look for it. i like your murder/mystery types, one that keeps you guessing till the end. and i gotta give a shout out for Cosmo, US, and "mens" mags.
above all my dad, mom, nikki, and brian. my grandparents and cousins. my girls, you know who you are... the most amazing women i know, the wind beneath my wings.