Welcome to yet another attempt to shamelessly hawk my writing. I'm the author of a new book from Seal Press called The Anti 9-to-5 Guide: Practical Career Advice for Women Who Think Outside the Cube . I regularly blog about career change and self-employed life at www.anti9to5guide.com .
But before you rush off to buy my book , here's a bit more about me: I fled the cube in 1992 and have since been a full-time freelance writer and editor. My articles about alternative careers, human mating rituals, and pop culture have appeared in Bust , Bitch , The Bark , The Seattle Times , and on Salon .
My writing also appears in The Moment of Truth: Women’s Funniest Romantic Catastrophes and the forthcoming Single State of the Union: Single Women Speak Out on Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Happiness , both published by Seal Press. And in 2006, I was a writer-in-residence at a heavenly writer camp called Hedgebrook , which I wrote about here .
To keep a roof over my head, I've wrangled text for everyone from book publishers to high-tech empires to peddlers of new-age products, wrangling text on pet accessories, video games, voice recognition software, marital aids, home colonics, and just about anything else that can be sold. Maybe one day when I'm bored I'll post some of my more laughable marketing copy here for your entertainment.