Everyone’s got stuff, but between school, work, sports, music, and the social scene, today’s teens really have a lot of stuff. Usually, it’s crammed into an overstuffed backpack, a skimpy school locker, or lost in a huge pile on the bedroom floor. Where's My Stuff?: The Ultimate Teen Organizing Guide , written by Samantha Moss and Lesley Schwartz, is a step-by-step guide to getting organized helps teens take control of the clutter.
First, readers learn how to deal with whatever obstacles prevent them from being organized. Next, they learn how to systematically organize the Big Three -- school, time, and space. The school section includes instructions on how to set up binders, notebooks, and a great study space. In the time chapter, get practical advice on managing hectic schedules, plus a template for creating a personalized daily planner. In the space section, learn tried-and-true techniques that transform bedrooms from war zones into peaceful retreats. With detailed diagrams for organizing everything from computer files to personal time, Where’s My Stuff? helps readers establish time- and clutter-management skills that never go out of style.
The book will be available at major bookstores in July 2007.
Find out more here on from Zest Books.
The book is also available on Amazon.com.