Regena Sonray Reigns profile picture

Regena Sonray Reigns

When I was born there was glitter everywhere, I've been shining since!

About Me

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What's up lovely people...I'm finally on here...I'm a model, actress, spoken word artist, journalist among other talents.:) My petite powerhouse package encompasses beauty and fierce intelligence. I'm elegant yet edgy, prissy yet political. Some say I'm a mixture of Dorothy Dandrige and Angela Davis. NBC-TV hired me for my first job in television and I've always been attracted to glamour, fashion and the power of words. I've worked for Dateline, Nightline,C-SPAN but currently I'm on a haitus to pursue acting and building my foundation, The World Poetry Agency with co-founder Sir. My life as an actress and author/spoken word artist has taken me on an unbelievable journey. I started acting after my modeling agent booked me for Chris Rock's "Head of State." I've been smitten with acting ever since. You may have seen me as the sexy and determined "Latina" in BET's, "Multitude of Mercies" Currently, you can catch me in the party scene in the movie "Step Up." Also stay on the look out for me in the soon to be released film, "Talk to Me" featuring Don Cheadle and Taraji Henson that will be released July 20, 2007. I also finished filming "Who Killed Bishop Brown?" I play the vixen "Nurse Judy", there are a lot of twists in this film and I will keep you posted of the release date. When I'm not on the movie set I'm writing. My first poetic book "Tears of God" has been a instant success. you will find my spiritual views to sexy, hypnotic love spells. A special thanks to those who showed love and who have already ordered my second release, "Deliverance: Every Woman Has a Hidden Scar." "Deliverance" will be available in the summer. As promised I will release my performances with the World Poetry Agency very soon. Ask anyone whose witness me on the open mic, I do not disappoint!!!! One more facet of me, I'm a member of the finest and illustrious sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha, ske-weeeeeee!Pet peeve-haters!!! Take up my blessings with God...besides, living in envy is how you miss your good fortune. To Elohim (God of creation)I give thanks for your indescribable gifts. Blessings, Regena "Sonray" Reigns

My Interests

Serving my community especialy with my AKA sorors Poetry and spoken word Traveling to the Islands, Germany, The UK, any island of Hawaii that do not have sharks! Traveling via a book. Modern dancing, Reading Theatre and the symphony
Cool Slideshows

I'd like to meet:

God, Oprah, Maya Angelou, Mandela, Tyra Banks, Alice Walker,Vanessa Williams, Angela Davis, any Black Panther, Jill Scott, JLo (she hook me up with clothes), Blair Underwood, Dorothy Dandrige...if she was alive...I admire her.


Billie Holiday, Sir Reigns, Marvin Gaye,John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Sam Cooke Cassandra Wilson, Michael Frank, SiSe, Sara Vaugn, Sir Reigns, Jill Scott, Carrine Bailey, Mary J. Blige


The Color Purple, Imatation of Life, An Affair to Remember, Carmen Jones, Love Jones, Slam, Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, Chicago and yes...Set it Off


I don't watch much television, however, Oprah, Good Times and 60 minutes make the cut


Addicted!! Anything by Zane Angels & Demons by Dan Brown The DaVinci Code by Dan Brwon Heal Your Life by Louise Hay Purpose Driven Life The Power of Your Subconcious Mind The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, Gather Together in my Name by Maya Angelou, A Thin Line Between Sanity & Reality by Sir Reigns Of course my book...."Tears of God"

