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"My Soul Finds Rest In God Alone!!"

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Get Baptised With the Holy Spirit & Fire! ..This was my first night at the Lakeland Florida Outpouring on May 2, 2008. I'd never felt the fire of God on me so strong and the presence of Jesus in that way before. The fire of God was on me for 8 hours and during worship at one point I was drawn to my knees in worshiping JESUS!! God really touched me and changed me! Praise God, He set me on Fire for Him! I pray you will catch the hunger and fire! -------------------------------------- Baptize Us With the Holy Spirit, Baptize us with Fire! Pt 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Us With The Holy Spirit, Baptize us with Fire! Pt 3Baptize Us with the Holy Spirit, Baptize us with Fire! Pt 4 ----------------------------------------------------------- (TRACK ONE-TD JAKES-Casting Crowns - Praise You In This Storm
..The servant of God must endure with fortitude the attacks of the enemy and must overcome the obstacles which Satan will place in his way. But if you keep looking up, not down at your difficulties, you will not faint in the way, you will soon see Jesus reaching his hand to help you, and you will only have to give him your hand in simple confidence, and let him lead you. As you become trustful, you will become hopeful. You will find help in Christ to form a strong, symmetrical, beautiful character. Satan cannot effect the light shining forth from such a character. God has given us his best gift, even his only-begotten Son, to uplift, ennoble and fit us, by putting on us his own perfection of character for a home in his kingdom. -- Ellen G. White, Messages to Young People.5 years being born-again and saved from a lifestyle of sin. Lately I find it hard, temptations commin at me from every direction, darkness surrounds me and i'm drowning in my sin...., but God's grace is sufficaint for me..His mercy & grace will set me free..,break these chains that try to prevent me from my destiny......................................... the Word it says that: I am redeemed I am bought with a price, with His precious blood. I am valuable to God and I am one in whom God has an inheritance. I am forgiven, made clean and reconciled to God. I am saved by the gospel, born again. Im incorruptible seed, a new creation in Christ. I am of God, complete in Christ Jesus. One with Him, I am free from the control of men and from the law of sin and death. Christ has set me free from the curse of the law. Yes, I am free indeed. God has called me according to His purpose. I am called into fellowship, into relationship, with Jesus. Peace, liberty and Gods glory are my inheritance now. I am Gods field He is cultivating my life. I am Gods building, the temple of the Lord in whom the Holy Spirit lives. I am a branch connected to the vine; His life flows through me. The word of God abides in me. I am an epistle, a letter of Christ, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. My life is not my own; I am a servant of God. The Father shares His plans and secrets with me because I am a friend of God. I am part of the body of Christ. In Christ Jesus, I am also one of His saints. I am a fellow citizen with all the saints in the kingdom of God. I am a stranger to this world, a pilgrim just passing through. I am a bold witness for Christ because He has made me righteous. United to Him in Love, I am the bride of Jesus Christ. As a minister of the gospel of Christ, I am jealous for the saints with a godly jealously. I am part of a chosen generation, a royal priesthood. I am a citizen of a holy nation and one of His own special people. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ Jesus. As a member of Gods family, I am also Abrahams seed and an heir according to the promises made to Abraham. I am a member of the household of God. As a child of the Most High God, I am lead by His Spirit. I am a child of the light, a child of the day. I am called to proclaim the praises of Him who called me out of darkness into His marvelous light. With Christs light in me, I am the light of the world. My life brings divine flavor wherever I go for I am the salt of the earth. God has chosen me to be one of His own; Jesus has embraced me as His disciple. In His word, God has called me a priest and a king. With that kingly anointing, I enforce Gods will on earth. I am an ambassador, one of Christs representatives, in this world. As an intercessor and watchman for the Lord, I am seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. I am blessed in the city and in the country. My children are blessed too. I am blessed in all that I put my hands to. I am blessed when I come in and when I go out. The Lord covers and protects me I am invisible to my enemies. I am above and not beneath, the head and not the tail. God has called me to be a lender and not a borrower for He has freely given me all things through Christ. In Him I am rich. Filled with his joy, peace, patience and love, I freely love others. His kindness and goodness work powerfully through me. I am one who has faith. I am one who has gentleness and self-control. The fruit of the Spirit are displayed in my life. I am baptized in the Holy Spirit and gifted with powerful gifts from Heaven. As a believer in Jesus Christ, I cast out demons in His name. I am one who speaks with new tongues, God,-given languages. According to Gods word, I am one who has power over serpents and every work of the enemy; I one who can not be poisoned or harmed. As Gods ambassador, I am one who lays hands on the sick and they recover. I am healed from every infirmity and immune from every sickness and disease because I am Gods child. I am strong in the Lord, having overcome the wicked one and the world. I am endued with power from on High. Thank you Lord, Amen.check out some teaching from Todd Bentley --------------------------------
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Add to My Profile | More Videos This was my birthday present from JESUS!..receive the fire of the LORD!! Experience JESUS!!
This was my birthday blessing, present from JESUS to me! This was my 28th birthday!

My Interests

Heidi Baker- God's LoveHeidi Baker God's Love Pt 2 Check Out Awesome New Christian Clothing LineJESUS! JESUS! JESUS~! JESUS! JESUS~!Trying to get refocused on Jesus and His path for me! God's will and direction.evangelism,church,worship, reading and studying the Word, fellowship with other christians, soaking in God's presence, prophetic worship. praise and worship...getting into the presence of God..and gettin drunk in a new wine...spreading revival fires, bringing the truth and setting the captived free by spreading the love of Jesus! , Partner with Ivan Tate and Help feed the hungry, bless the orphans and widows at ............................................................ ....................Todd Bentley at the Revival - Outpouring In Lakeland Florida! Going On Now! Get There!Lakeland, Florida Outpouring Revival clipLakeland Florida Outpouring RevivalOutpouring in Lakeland, Florida Blogs - Fire Baptism - Todd Bentley MySpace Blog

I'd like to meet:

people that want prayer, positive people. someone to be there to help me up and encourage me when i'm struggling or when i fall. someone to grow spiritually with. people that are ministry minded. on fire christians, people that need prayer, people to pray with, yahoo: [email protected]


christian electronic drum n bass, praise and worship, Hip-hop, Ryme4Reason, Third Day, Jeremy Camp, Shawn McDonald, Jason Upton, Todd Agnew, JoAnn McFatter, Kutless, Mars Ill, KJ-52, Chris harvey,Morningstar,Don Potter, soaking music, christian hip-hop, ............................................................ ......Third Day- Consuming Fire Third Day - Consuming Fire


Get Free! Clip from Lakeland Outpouring in Florida ------------------------------------- Anointed Shofar
............................................................ ..........................


CSI, Without a Trace, Court TV stuff. Just ordered skyangel, can't wait to get my God TV!!! ----------------------------------------


the Bible, the Left Behind Series, the Costly Anointing,Insights to the Anointing by Chris Harvey ( ) Come Away my Beloved:---------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Rivers of Living Water --------------------------"The poor and needy seek water, but there is none, Their tongues fail for thirst. I the Lord, will hear them; I, the God of Isreal, will not forsake them; I will open rivers in desolate heights, And fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water, And the dry land springs of water."Isaiah 41:17-18 ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------Behold, you are in the hollow of My hand. Yes, in the moment that you lift your voice to cry out to Me, and when you raise your voice to praise and magnify My Name, then shall My glory gather you up. Yes, I shall wrap you in the garments of joy, and My presence shall be your great reward. Lift your eyes to Mine. You shall know without a doubt that I love you. Lift your voice to Me in praise; in this way a fountain shall be opened within you, and you will drink of its refreshing waters. Pour out your heart to Me. From the deepest recesses of your being, let your love flow forth to Me; let your lips utter My Name. Let your praises rise in the daytime and in the night. Yes, when you are utterly spent, then shall My speech fall upon you. Then you shall lie down in peace and rise up in joy, and you will partake of a perpetual fountain. As it is written: "Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water" (John 7:38). Let the Word of God dwell in you richly; as for My Words, they are Spirit, and they are Life. They are living and powerful, and you shall wield them in faith effectively against the powers of darkness. Behold, you are in My embrace. Rest there. For My Spirit and My ways are not to be mastered by intellect, but My love is to be received by those who long after Me and who reciprocate in kind. As faith receives the promises, and those who seek after eternal life are recipients of the faith of Jesus Christ (for faith is the gift of God), even so, to those who long for a closer relationship with Me I will give a special portion of My love, so that they may have the power to love Me in return as I have loved them. I give My Spirit and My love fully, not measured out in portions. I will open My heart to you and take you within, even as in salvation you opened your heart to Me so that I might bring you eternal life. Yes, I will hide you in My heart so you may experience constantly My peace and My joy. And you will no longer go in and out; but you shall dwell in Me as I have dwelt in you.This was taken out of the book Come Away My Beloved by Frances J Roberts. I hope you were blessed by it. Just remeber worship ushers in His wonderful presence....ahh the amazing presence of Jesus... have a blessed day! Tonya


Jesus! Too many heroes in the Bible to list. Anyone who is focused on saving souls and spreading the gospel and Kingdom Of God! Jesus freak fire starters and revival fire spreaders! People that are running after the heart of JESUS ----------------------------------------------------------

My Blog

Biblical Light about Lakeland Outpouring & Todd Bentley

..TR> Lifting Jesus High!Bringing Biblical Light to Your Questionsabout the Lakeland Outpouring & Todd BentleyJune 8, 2008Dear Friends,    Thank you for taking the time to read th...
Posted by hungry4Jesus7 on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 03:26:00 PST


CHUCK PIERCE: "HEAR THE SOUND! ...IF YOU WILL BEND YOUR KNEES, I WILL SAVE YOU FROM A HIT FROM THE ENEMY THIS WEEK!" "Do not keep your head raised above others at all times this week, for I am a God t...
Posted by hungry4Jesus7 on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 01:16:00 PST

Baptize Us With The Holy Spirit, Baptize Us With FIRE!!!

clip from Lakeland Outpouring May 6th! Heather Clark & Todd Bentley "Baptize Us With the Holy Spirit, Baptize us with Fire!" very powerful!  ...
Posted by hungry4Jesus7 on Sat, 31 May 2008 11:58:00 PST

"A Time To Think Harvest!" 8 Day Prayer Focus-Chuck Pierce

"A TIME to Think HARVEST! An 8-Day Prayer Focus. Don't Miss the Celebration of Pentecost!" Dear Saints of Change: This is truly the time to let go of the sorrows and losses of the past season to recei...
Posted by hungry4Jesus7 on Sun, 25 May 2008 02:47:00 PST

Get Baptised with the Holy Spirit & with Fire! (video updated)

..This was my first night at the Lakeland Florida Outpouringon May 2, 2008. I'd never felt the fire of God on me so strong and the presence of Jesus in that way before. The fire of God w...
Posted by hungry4Jesus7 on Wed, 21 May 2008 01:22:00 PST

Blessings from Jesus on my Bday! Revival Clips

This was on my birthday! Jesus blessed me so much! Watch and receive by faith the FIRE of God on your life! Recieve the contagious annointing on your life by faith in Jesus name!! Revival Fire!!! ...
Posted by hungry4Jesus7 on Fri, 09 May 2008 11:37:00 PST

Ignited Church Lakeland,Florida FIRE!!

this was my birthday morning! JESUS really blessed me with His amazing presence and touched me with the FIRE of God... May you receive the FIRE of the Lord!! Let this annointing spread throughout the ...
Posted by hungry4Jesus7 on Fri, 09 May 2008 11:00:00 PST

Word For Todd Bentley & Revival in Florida

For Todd Bentley and the Healing Revival in Florida Prophesied by Wendy Alec from God.TV   April 17, 2008   I felt the Lord say that even as scandals and a cynicism have eroded the world's ...
Posted by hungry4Jesus7 on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 11:56:00 PST

The Third Wave Is Here!! Lakeland Outpouring! Revival is Here

"TODD BENTLEY and BOB JONES: 'The Third Wave is Here!' 12 Places for Healing and Revival to Start are Mentioned--but THIS TIME IT'S GLOBAL" Ministry Report from Lakeland, Florida: Below is a ministry...
Posted by hungry4Jesus7 on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 04:17:00 PST

Prayer For Relationships

Praying For Relationships Mt 21:21............Father, I come before You in prayer and in faith.Rom 13:11........Your Word says that now is the time for all to awaken from sleep,Rom 13:11.........For o...
Posted by hungry4Jesus7 on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 02:40:00 PST