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Dirty painty nails & afternoon movies/cocktails..Chihuahua's and Pugs, Bugs in glass, Silhouettes, Colors peach and navy and "monster" green, Black eyed peas (the sweet bean not the group)...Collecting books and art (and books about art)Don knotts...kawaiiWWW.JONREEDTATTOOER.COM .. fun with Madame Kelly...
Shoe shine profits. Dorks. Visionaries. Patrons. Ring leaders. Whole body laughers. Smokers. Breeders. Under takers. Harvesters. Cobble stone clickers. Drunk singers. Boat Captains. Combustible lovers. Evil lobsters. Angelic shrimp. Polka Poets. Torch bearers. Soulful Mannequins. Bleeders. Haberdashers. Fire coughers. Fort makers. Connoisseurs. Libertines. Meat eaters. Bon Vivants. Slipper whiskey sippers. Queers. New language makers. Slow Lunchers. Late diners. Stylish Sewer Rats. Time Travelers. Articulate Neurotics. Acappella slow dancers. Hand talkers. Hat tippers.
***Most Everything***
I found this layout design on PureLayouts.com - check out their MySpace Layouts .
harold and maud -- peggy sue got married- Withnail and I- Waiting for Guffman- So I married an Ax Murderer- O'Brother where art thou?- John Water's Films,Stag, Mob Movies,Documentaries,arty movies like Santa Sangre & Betty Blue and brusque early Scorsese. href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"
Glitter Graphics
Myspace Layouts
A little atomic number on the sale rack. Lots of castles. Lots of knives and forks. Lots of closet skeletons. The fitting room flooded with the strands of the score he left on her answering machine. A drive-in movie screen: their cloud-built bed stuffed with opera lens and whatnots. How they loved to Euro the plot in a ceremonious old-world why not, play Scrabble with only the X’s and O’s. Nonstick knickknacks stacked high on the truth table sewn from trick-thread and midnight scissors. Buy two get a double agent gratis. How bountiful the boa— ..