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Lord Balum Sinclair

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About Me

Hmmm, Were to begin, ok, outside of Wicca, I'm married, have 2 stepchildren, 7 & 10, thats not their names it's their ages just thought I would mention that. They're very quiet & well mannered.....when they sleep. We recently taught them the value of a dollor so they now ask for money in multipules of 10. I'm a big animal lover. I have 4 dogs, 1 inside 3 outside. 2 cats both inside, all of which I consider my children as well. There are also a number of stray cats that wonder this area which I feed. The number can vary depending who's in the neighborhood that night. As little as 7 who hang around the house and I've counted up to 22. But they all get food if their around. They didn't ask to be born. I love Music & Movies. I'm somewhat of a homebody, playing around on the computer alot and on occasion have to show my stepson who's the boss on the playstation. I love amusement/ theme parks.If you haven't been to Universal Studio's, it's a must. Been to Disney World 5 times plus a variety of others. I also am into CB Radio. I've talked from my home in NE Georgia as for as Ontario Canada. I also have a hobby of magic, slight of hand kind of stuff. My biggest and quickest disappearing trick,,, my tax return. I'm also big into airplanes. I just started to take flight lesson but due to lay offs had to stop, it got to expensive. $110.00 an hour. Got a wopping 8 hrs flying time in a Cessna 172. One of these days. Now that I've typed your ear off, tell me about you.Blessed Be..... Balum
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Get more at ..Strive for honesty, friend. Do not make false Craft claims whether of position, heredity, lineage, or whatever. If you have a quarrel with someone, seek out the one you disagree with, rather than utilize perhaps unreliable intermediaries. do not spread unfound rumors and question those who do so. News of battle makes more exciting reading than news of peace. Why, then, provide battle news for publication when the serenity of the Craft is what we should be showing?We have come along way, my friend, in a few short years. Let us move on along our chosen paths till we emerge - as we will - accepted and respected by ALL as a religion in our own right.Help us bring an end to washing our dirty linen in public. There will always be disagreements, there will always be those who cannot tolerate others, but they are in the minority and so they should remain, if you wish. But do not deny them their right to those differences. Friend, we are Children of the Universe ,and Children of the God and the Goddess. Let us try to remember that, and live in Peace.
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I do not know what Tradition you follow. That does not matter.Indeed, for all I know, you may not follow any of the traditions.You may be one of those many lonely ones who, for whatever reason, must worship by 'feel' rather than through any formal coven training or participation. But whoever you are, and however you worship, all that matters to me is that you hold true to the God and the Goddess.Friend, help spread the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Craft. do not seek to establish a scale of Wicca purism, (for no two Witches will ever agree on the relative positions on the scale of even their own tradition.) There is no one religion for all people, and THERE IS NO ONE TRADITION FOR ALL WITCHES! Let this be understood, and accepted. Choose your own path and leave your neighbor to choose his. Remember the primary tenet: "AN IT HARM NONE, DO WHAT THOU WILT."
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We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment. We seek to live in harmony with nature in ecological balance offering fulfillment to life and consciousness within an evolutionary concept. What Level of Witch are you
Congratulations you have achieved level 4 witch status... you have studied hard and learned well!!
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Get more at MyToolSpace.comWe see religion, magick and wisdom in living as being united in the way one views the world and lives within it – a world view and philosophy of life which we identify as Witchcraft – the Wiccan Way.
Misty Moon
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CURRENT MOON lunar phase
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From beneath me arises the energy of the Earth, my home and my foundation.From above me pours down the light of the Sun and the enchanting Moon.To my right hand flows the strength to control and direct, the power of magic.To my left hand comes the skill to divine and to heal, the source of blessing.Before me arises the perfected one I strive to become, my magical true self.Behind me falls the one I was, and with it my discarded failures.Around me circle the eternal stars, lamps of wisdom in the deeps of space.Within me grows the flame of life, the light of experience and understanding.
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I Give You Thanks For All You Do, For Obstacles And Smooth Roads To, For Challenges That Make Me Grow, And All The Pleasent Things That Show, That You Are Looking After Me, I Thank You, Ancients!, Blessed Be!O Mighty Sun Of Warmth And Light, O Sun Of Power And Of Might, Look Down On Me This Gorgeous Day, And Send Go Fortune Now My WayWe Honor You O Mighty Oak, Grant Your Strength Unto These Folks, Let It Surge Throughout These Seeds, And Make Us Strong In Thought And Deed
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You scored as Eyes of Crystal, You have eyes of dedication. You do your best, even if your best isnt that good. You have worked your ass off to get where you are now, and you dont plan on giviing up yet. Stay focused on your goal, for you have eyes of crystal.~thx 4 taking my quiz~

Eyes of Crystal


Eyes of Mystery


Eyes of Rage


Eyes of Blood

What Is Revealed by Your Eyes?
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You fit in with:

80% spiritual.
0% reason-oriented.

Your ideals mostly resemble those of the Taoist faith. Spirituality is the most important thing in your life. You strive to live by all of your ideals, and live a very intellectually focused life.
Take This Quiz at QuizGalaxy.com What pagan familiar are you?
You're a bat!
You are social, quiet, and seaching for higher truths.
Aware that you don't know everything, you use
progress and self betterment as a form of personal transformation.Though you have a sense of family and community, you prefer to do your own thing a lot of the time.
Nocturnal by nature, you shy away from the daylight,
but once the sun says goodnight, you're ready to roll.

Congratulations! As a bat you are on a difficult road of dual nature, but
you'll make it through - you always do!
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I like a variety of music, metal being my favorite. Bands like Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Ozzie,(I got to see his first solo tour, very cool)just to name some. Yes, Jethro Tull,(no he's not the singer) E.L.P ( Carl Palmer is a great drummer), but my alltime favorite band RUSH. Neil Peart is truely the professor on the drum kit. I also like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Outlaws, Molley Hatchet, Foriegner, Boston, Queen, Kansas, Cheap Trick, Billy Joel and sounds like that. I don't have time to name them all, I love music. I also very much enjoy New Age, It's so relaxing. My favorite in this catagory is Acoustic Alchemy.
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I like all kinds of movies. The Hunt For Red October, Crimson Tide, Behind Enemy Lines, Blackhawk Down, Platoon, Apocolypse Now, Green Berets, Navy Seals, GI Jane, The Bedford Incident, Message In A Bottle, Pretty Women, Animal House, American Pie 1,2 & 3. Caddyshack the 1st one, Firefox, Heartbreak Ridge, Star Trek Movies, all of them, Star Wars, all of them, Harry Potter, all of them. Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, Witches of Eastwick. just to name a few. I'll tell you movies I don't like. Any movie that an animal gets hurt or killed. I don't like that at all.


The History Channel, Discovery Channel, Military Channel, channels like that. Occasionaly catch a good movie on the tube. Star Trek, any of the series,and last but defintly not least...........


Which Hogwart's House Do You Belong In?
You've been placed in RAVENCLAW! Very good! Ravenclaw is good, but I'm a SLYTHERIN(hehe)!Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,If you've a ready mind,Where those of wit and learning,Will always find their kind;
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You are The Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of intoxication with success

The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.

What Tarot Card are You?
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What sort of Dragon watches over you?
The Tranquil River Dragon is your guardian. Powerful, wise and creative, understanding the balance of life and death like no other.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeI AM A WITCH**I am many things, I am a Son, a Lover, and a Friend. I am a Teacher, a Student, and a Man. I am many things, Wear many costumes, And act in many ways. Yet beneath each mask I wear, I am a Witch.I am a Priest, I follow the Path, I follow the Old Tradition, I follow the Ways of the Wise Ones. I seek to know the God, I seek to know the Goddess, I seek to know myself. I am a Witch.Though I may only dress up, For eight sabbats a year, And thirteen esbats in turn, I am always a Witch. Though I may not always dress in black, Or leave my hair wild and free, I am still a Witch.I do not worship Satan, I've never even met him, Yet many see me as evil, And magick as a sin. I do what comes natural, What the Gods have taught me, And although it does not conform, I am still a Witch.The Goddess shows me beauty, The God has shown me life, And Earth, and Air, And Fire, and Water, Teach me what is right. And Spirit in its mystic ways, Teaches me about myself. That I am a Witch.***Re-Written By Balum SinclairOriginal Version By: Lady Amhranai
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My Blog

I Got Tagged....Again

I said I wasn't going to do these ever again but it's for a great friend.   Rules of the Game: 1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.2. People who are tagged need to ...
Posted by Lord Balum Sinclair on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 05:43:00 PST

My, I Got Tagged Blog

The first player starts out with the topic "6 weird things/habits about yourself" and the people who get tagged need to write their own blog about the same, and state the rules. Tag the next 6 people ...
Posted by Lord Balum Sinclair on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 02:12:00 PST