I love to read and do photography. All types of photography. Ansel Adams was the best. Harley Davidson is another one of my true loves. When I have a chance, I like to "honk" some on my saxophone. Communing with Mother Nature herself gives me great pleasure, as I feed on Her powers every day.
Just sitting here waiting on MySpace to upgrade!I would love to have met Ansel Adams, the grand master of light! He has inspired me since high school!I would also like to meet Jodie Foster. She has been my favorite actress since she was a little girl. I would also love to have met the great Master, Aleister Crowley in attempts to learn more about the Craft and its not so sinister beginnings. The Abbey of Thelema would be a great place to visit. Other than that, I WOULD LIKE TO MEET YOU!
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I love all music from Classical to jazz to rock n roll. I do not, however enjoy rap and all that other noisy shit.
I have three favorite movies of all time. They are "A Clockwork Orange" and "Silence of the Lambs" and the Da Vinci Code. Can't forget the fact that I am also A Harry Potter fan!
When I get to watch T.V., I enjoy CSI Miami and any other forensics related shows, mainly found on Court TV and A&E.
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All the Harry Potter hype has come and gone, and now it's time to get busy with Book Seven! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It's awesome that J.K. Rowling has become the first author billionaire,EVER!
I also read a great deal of Wiccan or any subject dealing with Paganism. Stephen King and Dean Koontz are also my favorites. Dan Browns Da Vinci Code was also AWESOME. I haven't read Dan Browns Angels and Demons. That will be next after I finish Harry Potter. Other favorite authors include Raymond Buckland, Christopher Penczak, Edain McCoy, Gerald B. Gadner, Janet and Stewart Farrar, Doreen Valiente, Lady Sheba, Lady Sabrina, Starhawk, Raven Grimassi, Aleister Crowley, Scott Cunningham (which was my first author ever in my Craft journey), Dorothy Morrison, Silver Ravenwolf and Dianne Sylvan, just to name a few.
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My favorite heros are all the police and firefighters that worked and lost their lives in the 9-11 attack. Mayor Guiliani also tops my list of heros. He would make this country a great president, I think.
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