CURRENT MOON moon info
I love the moon, especially full ones and reading tarot cards. I enjoy using ouija boards, rune stones, tea leaves, palmistry, spells, candles, herbs and just about everything witchy in nature. I practice white and gray magick, never black. I don't believe it's wrong to use gray when the situation calls for it and the intent is unselfish. If an individual or predicament is causing harm I'm of the opinion that there is nothing wrong with manipulating energy to stop that which is causing problems or discomfort. Some people agree with me, others not, oh well. I don't send anything out I don't want to get back. I've been practicing for over 17 years, it's always practice because everyday you learn something new if you're open to it.
I'm interested in all things holistic, I have an interest in Tai Chi; I also dabble with alternative and herbal remedies. I have a lovely herb garden and like to use fresh herbs whenever possible in cooking. I make a lot of home made milk baths and bath salts which leave the skin creamy smooth and deliciously refreshed. I have a steady number of customers that swear by it!
I adore animals, my favorite domestic is a cat and I have several(of course). Someone once told me that artists have cats and warriors have dogs. I'm very fond of humming birds, crows and owls. I enjoy watching deer grazing in the field and I have my share of bunnies and chubby groundhogs playing in my yard which give me endless entertainment. I think manatees are most spectacular, they remind me of an ancient monolith moving through the water.
I'm very interested in paranormal phenomena, I've had my share of experiences with ghosts and those things that go bump in the night. I'm an avid spook hunter and enjoy searching them out.