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Vadoma Witch

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Black and white ghostly flowers

Strange how we search all our lives to find ourselves when we were always right there. I am a witch by choice, found out a few years ago I am Romany in lineage,; so it was that I understood my connection to the earth and magik.. I feel intensely, judge myself harshly at times, and love without reason or sanity. I live out of time and wish for a glimpse of the past as my days wind forward. Not my past, a past of years long gone, days when chivalry lived and love was found in the glimpse of an ankle or a shared smile across a room. The love of long ago that has become illusive at this time in history.
My lineage on my father’s side has been traced back as far as the 12th century, although it is still being researched; I am unaware of the clan I come from , I know my clan moved very frequently. My family traveled until the second world war and then escaped to Canada and ended up in the United States. The papers that accompanied them said Russia and so that is whatwe were "pegged" as.
On my mothers side the bloodline is Parisian French and eventually a migration to Canada, that led to the United States. I knew this side of my family far better than the Romany side, as I was growing up. I was an adult when the entire story of the Romany migration to this country became known to me.So I am exploring and getting to know that world.
The women in my family have read cards for centuries. The only generation that did not was my mother and her sisters (they followed the Catholic church and therefore never developed the skill). I also read tarot, am a “seer”; which means I communicate with spirits, and also am an empath. I strive daily to continue to learn new thing and to further my knowledge of all things. Please feel free to ask me any question you wish to ask.
--- Vadoma Witch---
As an Aquarius, I am a gorgeous vision of shimmering awkwardness, a lovely mess of high self-respect but occasional insecurity, a brilliant innovator with a charitable, giving heart. My regard for the citizens of the world -- including the non-human citizens of the world -- compels me to make conscientious and respectful decisions. When it comes to beauty, I like to keep it natural and cruelty-free, but I do love a little flair here and there. I was thrilled when shimmery powders came back, and I jumped at the chance to accent my eyes with a light dusting of glitter.
Underneath the socially progressive exterior of this Fixed Air Sign lurks a future fetishist -- I have a weakness for gadgets, and I love any product touted as revolutionary or new, especially if it's also all-natural. Since I bore so easily, I'M always looking for the next great moisturizer, hair color or cuticle treatment.
Although I have the utmost respect for myself, I'm lacking in the self-esteem department at times. I'm always worrying that I don't look good enough or that I'm not feminine enough. My beauty comes from my ability to accept myself and make the best of the gifts I've been given. I set my own beauty standards, and this independence raises my beauty to a transcendent level. My beauty is not of this world -- it's out of it.
Self image being what it is in this day and age, I looked in the mirror and saw a Romany of the utmost lineage.
Cut from a mold that can be traced to Vlad, who is revered in the homeland and known as a great ruler.
Eyes of green and brown, with flecks of goldenrod shooting from the irises as if lightening striking forth.
With lips that are sewn into a bow from birth and kissed by an angel to lock in all the worlds secrets.
A face so plain that no one would look twice except that something from within cries out to be noticed.
The Romany soul, that part that has resonated for generations, as it did before her and will beyond.
She longs for a fire beside a road, a crowd screaming as she dances and tells of the future.
The caravan of family traveling toward the next town, knowing they are unwanted and yearned for.
It is the gypsy curse to be loved so much you are reviled the moment you get to close, so much so you must leave.
Self image being what it is in this day and age, I looked in the mirror and saw a Romany of the utmost lineage.
Eyes so old they know the deepest pain, they love as never before and refuse to run again.
----------Vadoma Witch---------

My Interests


-------A KISS-------

In the opening between two

words unspoken; leave and echo,

forever a part of the outer world,

awaiting capture, the rapture exists.

I bite my lip, to taste the blood

red and warm; just as words. I sense

with my entire being, their existence;

feel you in each breath upon my skin.

I lick the tear from my cheek,

salty like the brine that gives life.

Memories of a consuming fire; that

once held me so close it burned.

Alone with your kiss, my lips

form a memory. The echo remains,

the blood stains, the salts burns,

quietly, I have only a breath for a kiss.

-----Vadoma Witch---

I'd like to meet:

Today as the sun beat down I felt you, warm and hard against my body.

The wind kissed me hot against my flesh in places only you have truly known.

The sand beneath my feet reminded me that I could still feel with my flesh.

Longing for the taste of you I cried a salty tear, licking it slowly from my cheek as it slid by.

I breath each breath and my chest rises to your hands, do you feel me touching you inside?

I have no recourse but to accept the fate given me, soul to soul I remain until death.

Today the sun beat down hard against your body, I was there, whispering in the wind.
-------Vadoma Witch--------

There is a special place between sleep and dream that few people know. I know this place well.

He comes to me there, embracing me, warm and hard, melting into me, as candle wax sliding down the side of a pilar.

I reach for him and he is there, I feel him , smell him, taste his salty fluid in my throat.

Beads of sweat run from places only he will ever know exist from this moment forth and I wait.

For there is a special place between dream and wake, where all my dreams are realized.

-------Vadoma Witch--------


Music touches the soul with words and melody

a gift to the ear and soul without; knowing whom the gift will be recieved by

many of these gifts have come my way over the years

some in one line, others a phrase, others in form of novel

to my friends who have the gift of song, sing forever,

to those who have the gift of words, write forever,

to those who have the gift of melody,play on and on

I am blessed each day to know the gift of nature

for that is the most blessed song of all.

My Blog

My New Hand of Salvation

There is an inevitability that time passes and with such a passage many changes take place. Feelings are the one thing that I have said (in agreement with another pagan friend) live above and beyond t...
Posted by Vadoma Witch on Fri, 09 May 2008 04:10:00 PST

Today as I headed out with my son and took a deep breath.

The air tonight in Massachusetts was cool, the dry cool that happens before a storm, you could smell the storm coming. Snow was in the air. I love the smell of snow just before it comes, that fresh sc...
Posted by Vadoma Witch on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 09:45:00 PST

In need of a new outfit,

 Erastes has joined me on a sojourn upon the moors, so off we go to see what can be found to turn this dam Roma Princess into the androgyny Rom she really is. What gadji will we pass, who will be...
Posted by Vadoma Witch on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 01:17:00 PST

Lost somewhere in Godforsaken Brooklyn....

Today I walked around and as I contemplated strange items, or not so strange items, my mind was wondering of, not to the moors, that place where I spend most of my leisure time and the time that I spe...
Posted by Vadoma Witch on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 03:33:00 PST

Spherical Feelings

Tonight I sat upon the moors and thought, in the deepest of contemplating thought, of the possibility that love could be a spherical happening, such as life. After all, love is something that lives ab...
Posted by Vadoma Witch on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 03:14:00 PST

Divination (Scrying)

Scrying is actually quite simple and easy to do. Basically scrying is looking past the here and now to see things from another perspective. For instance, when you stare at an object your focus brings...
Posted by Vadoma Witch on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 12:00:00 PST

Pagan Musings

Pagan MusingsBy  Tony KellyWe're of the Old Religion, sired of Time, and born of our beloved Earth Mother. For too long the people have trodden a stony path that goes only onward beneath a sky that g...
Posted by Vadoma Witch on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 02:31:00 PST

Response To Jospeph VII...

I wrote this in response to a wonderful blog my dear friend Lord Joseph VII posted and I felt as though it was long and filled with my thoughts so I should share it here also. Sheepdog vs. Shepherd My...
Posted by Vadoma Witch on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 11:18:00 PST

Way out of time

  Recently I have spent much time contemplating things and situations; consequently, my feelings have also been often the object of my thought process. I walk the path of this world, now in the...
Posted by Vadoma Witch on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 11:56:00 PST

Princess of Insomnias ramblings

I have recently been blessed by many changing things in my life. Some of great joy and others of great sadness; yet, all worth feeing , for they have taught me lessons long needed. There was a time...
Posted by Vadoma Witch on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 10:04:00 PST