If you have requested a POW card from me I put them in a photobucket account for you to grab them from, and provide all codes needed for wherever you want to post your card. I try to get them done once a week usually Sunday or Monday. Here is the link to the cards I have done. If you requested one it should be in there, if not let me know.
Photobucket card place
The POW roster as of 2-19-07
Members list (H)= Honorary Member
#1--------Jewish_Monkey Leader/founder, started the West Coast Virus thread that gave us existence, performed the infamous attack on Tyra, and he's just a good boy.
#2--------reserved for J_M
#4--------Lil' Connar
#6(H)-----DugoutDoug Gave the POW's our home forum on FBA, go there people, link on the right.
#7--------_GUNSLINGER_ co-leader, card creator, named us
#16-------vegas spade
#17-------rj to the la
#21(H)----Mister_Hughes a great guy and friend of the POW's
#34-------The Boone Brothers
#36-------70 ft down the wire
#39-------Beaver Hunt
#44-------King of Depew
#66(H)----izombie66 A solid Hayseed and friend of the cause
#70(H)----Jandrea------shes a good egg...seen pics...HAWT
#77-------wetsticky frank
#86-------Inkslyngyr....(_GUNSLINGERS_ Girl) created the awesome fucking card we use, from my rough ideas.
#91-------Nevada Redd
#93-------west coast pest
#95-------Studio Six Photography
#101------Tu Tu's Meat
#X107.5---Chris, Program Director at KXTE-FM Xtreme Rock Radio Las Vegas
#124------I like the era
#128------Mendo Fishkiller
#129------Tivoli's Finest
#187------jimmy the trucker
#266(H)---NoFilterPaul for his assaults on the media.
#299(H)---SonnyForelli Three time champ of the old monthly AOTM contests. A huge contributor, dedicated pest.
#400------mud Arizona
#425------vegas bob
#585(H)---TowTruckTony A great guy that helped us spread the word
#808------Whiter Shade Of Trash
#1313-----Dumpster side
#1818-----white phillip
#5150-----Mrs. White Phillip
Updated 2-19-07
The Boeing 702 Commercial Stellite that brings us O&A everyday.
Opie, Anthony, Jim Norton, Patrice O'neal, Bill Burr, Louis CK, Dugout Doug, Happy Typing Girl, Morningkill, Struff, izombie66, Mister Hughes, Pest Coast, Tow Truck Tony, and all the other miscreants I have fun with at FBA. The list is long and distiguished... like my johnson.
This guy raging at his cats. What a hilarious psychopath he is.
"I'll end you!!!! He screams, as the cat bolts from his tirade. This video just fucking slays me.
Bridge Over the River Kwai, Uncommon Valor, Rambo Pt II, Missing in Action, The Great Escape, Escape from Alcatraz, seeing the bit yet?
Hogans Heroes
O&A, friends of the show, and P.O.W's everywhere.