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Member Since: 12/31/2006
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Band Members::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::JAM5 is a powerful Studio in South Germany. :::::::::::::::: Work:Production,Composition, Programming Style:Soul,R&B,Hip Hop,Pop. Please check the Website for more Informations.:::::::::::::::::: NEW BEATS coming soon! Enjoy!!....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::JAM5 STUDIO PRODUCTIONS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::....:::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::
.::Benno Richter’s "Bassplayer Vita"
.::......began bass playing at the age of 13 and took lessons from a great German Bassplayer, he also studied at a famous Munich Jazz school.Workeshops:Stanley Clarke... After finishing his studies he joined several professional numerous bands from funk, soul, rock, jazz, pop, folk to theatre, filmscores, tv and dancefloor productions. He played between 60-100 concerts a year and tours all over Europe.
He recorded his first CD with the Band "Stytz Syndicate", it was sold nationwide. Until 1997, his bassplaying can be heard on more than 70 recordings/jingles and soundtracks.
Benno has been working live or in studios with Nippy Noya, Peter O..Mara,Johannes Faber,Manumatei,Patrick Nuo, Chris Eigner(Depeche Mode/Massive Attack),Mia Aegerter, Milk&Sugar,DjTomilla,Dieter Falk,Dj Friction (Freundeskreis), Karl Frierson(DePhazz),Louie Austen,Ouartiere Latino (Italy), Beatbetrieb,"Starsearch"-Gewinnerin Florence Joy , Gianna Nannini,Daniel Lopes & Nectarios Finalists of DSDS in Germany,to name just a few.
Because of his ambitions as a songwriter, Benno started to set up 1999 his own recording studio. JAM 5 was born!-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------

.::"13.7 live with Ben Bledsoe (Natural)@ZDF Fernsehgarten"
.::"Aalener Jazztage" with "Karl Frierson" and "Incognito" 8.11.07
.::"BillyBlues" 2.8.07 Heidelberg,Thomas Motter..s "TMC"with ----T.Perez,D.Martinez,RalfGustke,Menoosha,HelenaPaul...
.::"Soul Valley" Obersdorf 1-3.07
.::„WM 2006“ Hannover - NDR / FIFA Stage Fanarea - 6.6. - 9.7.06
.::„Lizart - Live in Prag 2006
.::"Gianna Nannini"Session"15-16.12.05
.::"Musical "Rocky Horror Show",14 Days@Theatro Nationale Milano 12.05
.::„Grand Prix" Germany 12 Points-ARD Live@„Arena Treptow"Berlin 05
.::„Bravo Supershow" RTL @ "TUI Arena" in Hannover - 19.3.05
.::„VIVA17" Live from Köln – 14.3.05
.::„Mia Aegerter" - "ALIVE" Germantour- Support Ronan Keating / Silbermond
.::„Mia Aegerter" - Switzerland Clubtour/Open Air- 21.4. – 30.4.05
.::"VIVA BamS-Liveshow with Juli/Martin Kesici/Beatbetrieb
.::"ZDF "Goldene Stimmgabel" Verleihung - Live with Dieter.T.Heck
.::„New Face Award"Verleihung(Bunte)
.::„Fabrizio"(Overground - Starsearch) 03
.::„Lizard" German - Tour 03
.::„Beatbetrieb" German - Tour 03
.::„Daniel Lopes" (Superstar) Tour 03
.::„Waldbuehne Berlin" Festival with Beatbetrieb/B3
.::„Arena of Sound"- SWR3 Open Air Festival Stuttgart-Schlosspl.03
.::„Olympia Contest" SWR1 Open Air Stuttgart 03-Feat.Nektarios"Superstar"
.::„Dj Friction / Turntablerocker" European-Tour 2001-MTV&VIVA Liveconcert
.::"ZDF "Holidate" with Kai Böcking / 12TV Show- TV Live Band
.::"ZDF "Lass Dich überraschen" TV Show - TV Live Band
.::"ZDF Shows with Tommy Ohrner - TV Live Band
.::"ZDF Shows with Dirk Bach - TV Live Band
.::"SWR "Nachtkaffé" Talkshow
.::"ZDF "Holimünd" with TV Live Band
.::"Ray Charles"Support Mannheim"Rosengarten" 97
.::"Kieler Woche"Support for "The Temptations"
.::"Quartiere Latino" (Rock-Pop from Italy) Live 97
.::"ZDF "Fernsehgarten", 1998 / 99
.::"WDR "Rockpalast" Live Band Schulze 98
.::"SWR "Collin John",TV Liverecording 99
.::„Gala Shows" Expo 2000/Nike/Microsoft....v.a.
.::„Little Shop of Horror", Musical Tour 98
.::„Tiziano Cavaliere", Italy/Switzerland/German-Tour 96
.::„Les Dudek" (Steve Miller Band) Workshop Tour, and many more... ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------
.::Mia Aegerter German Tour
.::Support Band Silbermond 14.02. KÖLN Live Music Hall
.::Support Ronan Keating
.::15.02. HAMBURG Color Line Arena
.::16.02. BERLIN - Arena Treptow
.::17.02. BIELEFELD – Seidenstickerhalle
.::19.02. OBERHAUSEN - König Pilsener Arena
.::20.02. MÜNCHEN – Olympiahalle
.::21.02. FRANKFURT – Festhalle
.::12.03. (ARD) Grand Prix / Berlin
.::21.-30.4. Switzerland Open Air & Clubtour------------------------ -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------
.::„Ron Lovely“ Single “ Home“ EMI London 2007
.::"Andy Weiss" "Ungewohnt leise" CD+Buch with Tommy Baldu Drums u.a.2007
.::“Juliane Werding & Uwe Birnstein” l Huren Heuchler Heilige l 07 M.Meinert /B.Richter ----composition @ Freespirit-Verlag [Audiobook] (Audio CD)
.::"Mickey Meinert / Nur ein Narr/ Jam5 Prod.07
.::"Karl Frierson" Soulprint / Phazz-A-Delic / Jam5 Prod. 06
.::"Kai Niedermeier" Funk Alert with :Nippy Noya,Peter O..Mara,Mikkel Jakobsen, ----Zacky,Toca Records 06
.::"Zacky"- Ka lei dos cope with Marcus Deml,Christian Kretschmar,M.Meinert / 06
.::"Claus Peter Ebewein "Garden of Life" Single 06
.::"Ischen Impossible"- The Mischen /Jam5 Prod. / K21 Music 06
.::"Louie Austen" DJ Friction / Iguana (CD) | Klein Records | 06
.::“Olivera” Stefan Raab/TV Total EP Jam5-Production 05
.::"U1 Chillout Vol 1"- Edel 04
.::"Beatbetrieb"- Fragen der Menschheit / Universal 04
.::"Malu" - Love To Love / Polydor 04
.::"Patrick Nuo"- Underwater / ReMix Version / Polydor 04
.::"Zeichen der Zeit" Wohin / Sony..Top 10 / Singlecharts 04
.:: "Dj Tomilla"(Turntablerocker) – Hiddentrack Baby „Freeze„/ Polydor 04
.::"Dj Friction" (Freundeskreis) Soulsonic / Four Music /Jam5 Prod.04
.::"Franziska" Mit all meinem Wesen / 3p.&Jam5 Prod./Top100 Singlecharts 03
.::"Dominik" City Vibes / Virgin 03
.::"Dj Malente" RMX Unique 03
.::"Dj Friction" Friction / Four Music / Columbia 02
.::"Dj Friction" Feel Alright / Milk and Sugar, RMX Four Music / Columbia 02
.::"Sarah Brendel" Be with you / Zyx 02
.::"Baff" Nichts als die Wahrheit / Pila Music 01
.::"SoulRocka" 02
.::"Judith Hildebrandt" (Marienhof/Hinter Gittern)2x Single / Polydor 01
.::"Schulze" Zur Erde und zurück / Asaph 01
.::"Schulze" Was wäre wenn / Zyx 2000
.::"U-Phonics" 99
.::"Verschärft" G.I.B.Music / Universal 99
.::„Knister Sister" (T.Gottschalk - Late Night Band) 98
.::"Mickey Meinert" Alles ohne Gewähr 98
.::"U-Turn" Arruda Mosaique 97
.::"Hip-Hop - eJay" Vol.1, PC Game / MarlboroMusic 99
.::"Beathotel" Edel 97
.::"Toys" 97
.::"Seelow" No One 97
.::2xSampler- BRD V / Punkinvasion III 97
.::„L.A.R.S." Total Normal / Semaphore 96 and many more...----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
Achim Meier,Andrew Graeser,Billy Allen,Butch Willams,Chris Eigner, Bill Bickford,Cap,Charles Simmons,Cherry Gering,Christian Lohr, Christoph Buhse,Christian Kretschmar,Peter O..Mara,Nippy Noya, Wolfgang Schmidt,Ralf Gustke,Rick Keller, Svenya Schmidt,PC,Conny Kreitmeier,Claudio Selgrad,Dave Mette, David Anlauff,Derek von Krogh,Dieter Seelow,Detlef Hanke, Dough Laurent,DJ Friction,Daphne,Dieter Falk, Erich Buchebner,Fabritio Levita,Fetsum,Flo Dauner,Frank Riley, Frank Kuruc,Geehy Lee,George Kochbeck,Gudrun-Michi Mittermeier, Harry Krause,Jimi Wilks,Johannes Faber,Joschi Kaufmann, Jürgen Wüst,Kai Niedermeier,Kay,Karl Frierson,Kolinda, Kurt Dallaway,Lello,Lillo Scrimali,Linus Haug,Lui Ludwig,Maloy, Markus Born,Martin Langer,Matteo Scrimali,Markus Baader, Michael Arman,Mathias Zentrich,Meli Wharton,Martin Kälberer, Michael Janz,Michael Siegwardt,Mickey Meinert,Mickie Stickdorn, Mo,Oli Hahn,Ozzy Schaller,Oli Rubow,Omar Belmonte,Dj Passion, Pete Wrba,Petra Scheeser,Ralf Conrad,Ralf Maier,Ramon Tenorio, Ray Mahumane,Rainer Scheithauer,Richy Denis,Sascha Waack, Sergio Pescara,Simon V,Silvana Lodato,Stephan Schuchardt,Tes,Tommy Baldu, DJ Tomilla,Tony Lakatosch,Rick Washington,Tommy Wittinger, Tony Farris,Uli Lutz,Uwe Metzler,Waily,Werner Acker,Zacky,Z. and many many more...
Influences: James Brown,The Roots,Tower of Power,Miles Davis,Michael Jackson,EWF,Prince,Timbaland,Pharrell Williams,Guru´s Jazzmatazz,Dr Dre, Weather Report,Grover Washington,George Duke....
Sounds Like: Soul-Funk,Pop,Hip Hop,R&B,Rock,Jazz-Fusion,Electro
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

NEW SNIPPETS on my Profile!!!
Posted by BennoBass on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 11:53:00 PST


Please check out my Studio Site! for Professional Productions.Feel free and contact me! Thanks youBenno
Posted by BennoBass on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 06:22:00 PST